Get Them Together

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Why? Why him? Cali didn't know. Why did he have to catch feelings for him? Why couldn't he have fallen for York? He groaned internally. It's not that he hated him. 

It was just the relentless teasing and jokes he knew he couldn't deal with. But, he couldn't help how he felt. His midnight black hair looked so soft to the touch. His hair looked like he had just rolled outta bed and threw on his black beanie.

Cali thought he looked so cute. His green blue eyes seemed to shine like the sun reflecting off of the ocean water. He had noticed his nearly imperceptible tanned skin a while ago. Even though he wasn't smiling right now, Cali could see his smile in his mind. He had only seen it that one evening.

"Cali, who you checking out~?" Wash asked teasingly. Cali blushed deeply.

"No one." Cali muttered, leaning back in his seat.

"Really? Because the blush on your face says otherwise." Monty laughed. Cali blushed a deep shade of red.

"You would be looking like me if someone caught you looking at North Dakota." Cali hissed back.

"Ohhh~!" Wash, Ore and Ida said at the same time. Monty jumped and blushed, looking at Cali like he was a crazy person.

"Damn! Cali's getting into it!" Vada cheered.

"How about you tell North Dakota how you feel!" Cali snapped.

"How about you tell N-" Monty hissed back before Cali put his hand on his mouth.

"Who!" The trio shouted.

"It's New Jersey." Vada answered. Cali glared at Vada.

"What the fuck! Why did you do that?!" Cali hissed.

Vada shrugged, "Why not?"

Cali feels like slapping the hell out of Nevada right at this moment. He started to lift his hand. Suddenly, Utah's voice cuts through the tension.

"Wait. New Jersey...isn't he the one who kissed Cali at the house party?" Utah asked.

"What?!" Ida yelped, making Collie jump. Cali's blush turned a deep red. God, how dark could his blush go?

"Yep!" Vada beamed. Cali remembered it. He wouldn't have Jersey's smile burned into his memories if he didn't. The party was a Fourth of July party. Florida had managed to convince Gov to host a party in the Statehouse. Actually, the party itself was quite tame.

Either Gov had interfered with the planning or Florida decided to give them a break. It was probably Gov interfering though. No way Florida would do that. Anyways, it had been at least two in the morning and everyone was either black out drunk or passed out from being black out drunk. Jersey had one of the awake black out drunks.

Cali had been drunk as Utah, which means he was completely sober. Cali had been on the balcony looking out across the ocean. Jersey had come up to him and started to talk to him. He had no idea what he was saying because he was slurring his words so much. Suddenly, Jersey had just kissed him. It had been after a few minutes of silence. His lips were soft and warm. He smelled and tasted like alcohol.

He had said something afterwards, but it was hard to make out what he said because of his slurring. He had fallen asleep on Cali's chest after. He thought no one had seen, but apparently he was wrong. Cali's blush deepened. He didn't know how deep the red of his blush could go.

"God, I have no idea what you look like because you don't look like a cherry anymore." Wash laughed.

"Shut up." Cali muttered. They all laughed.

"You look like a beetroot." Monty chuckled. Cali looked at him, exasperated.

"Whatever. I'm leaving." Cali hissed, snapping his fingers.

"Damn..." Ok said, watching as Cali disappeared, "Alright, how are we going to go about this."

Utah snapped his head towards Nevada who started laughing.

"What?" Ore inquired, "What is it?"

"I'm friends with Jersey which is why Utah looked at me. However, I did not expect you to turn so quickly." Nevada giggled. Utah rolled his eyes and nudged him. Nevada shook his head and straightened, "One thing Jersey likes is praise. Makes sense. He also gets incredibly flustered when someone flirts with him. I flirt with him a lot as a joke so it can't be me."

"I'll do it." Ok volunteered. The others looked at him with confusion, "What?"

"Whatever, how much will it take for Jersey to date Cali?" Ari questioned.

"A lot. Jersey doesn't fall in love easily. I think it's his trust issues, but I have no idea." Nevada answered.

"Damn, alright, what should we do first?" Utah inquired.

"Let's flirt with Cali and see what Jersey does." Ari suggested. Nevada shrugged.

"Yeah, sure. Let's do that first. It'll give us a good understanding about what Jersey feels about him." Wy answered.

"Good job." New Mexico praised, high-fiving Ari. Ari smiled proudly.

"Alright, it's set. Let's do this." Wash whispered.

"Finally, I can take care of...where's California?" Gov asked, turning back towards the West after taking care of Florida and his craziness.

"He left." Florida blurted. Gov glared at him.

"Yeah, I can see that, but where?" Gov clarified. He looked at the West to give him some answers. They just shrugged. Gov groaned.

"I'll check with him later. Washington, how are you doing?" Gov sighed, focusing back on his task. As Wash started talking, Nevada winked at Jersey. Jersey just gave him a look. He had no idea what was coming to him.


I hope you like this fanfic! I think I'm killing my wifi because it's going from good to bad. I think I've posted too many fanfics in a single day. Now, I'm a multishipper so I ship a lot of different characters together which is what the 'Experiments' series is about (it's on AO3). Sorry this is so short! I hope you enjoy this fanfic and I'll see you soon! :>

Words: 948


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