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TW: Angst



Everything was as usual except D.C decided to have all the states here for a meeting. Like that was a good idea. At least, D.C gave them the option of free seating. It made things easier. Despite the free seating, New Jersey didn't think he was going to make it.

It was chaos and chaos didn't help calm Jersey's mind. It never did. At least, Nevada and Kentucky were next to him. Florida was trying to bring an alligator in. Loui was encouraging Florida. Texas was spewing bullshit and arguing with Cali.

The Carolinas and Dakotas were arguing about who was better. Oregon and Washington were talking about Starbucks. Iowa and Missouri were arguing about who won the Honey War. D.C was trying to calm everyone down, unsuccessfully. York and PA were fighting about who New Jersey belonged to. He shuddered.

The last time he belonged to someone, he didn't make it out without scars. God, everytime! Everytime he thought about it, the memories resurfaced. He couldn't get away from them. Why did he have to think about it in the meeting? His breathing grew faster along with his heart rate. Tears pricked at his eyes.

This was the worst day of his life. A hand grabbed his and something bumped against his side. He turned to see Kentucky looking at him with concern. Tucky looked so much like him.

"I miss him. I want him back." New Jersey choked on the sob that nearly made its way out of his throat. He saw Florida and Loui glance at him from the corner of his eye. He felt Nevada press against his other side, offering comfort.

"I know, I know. However, I can't get him back just because you want him to come back. He's gone. You ain't getting him back unless you want D.C to split you in half and even then, you might not get him. You'll be fine without him. You've made it this far." Kentucky replied. New Jersey clutched his ears. No. No. Kentucky was wrong. He wasn't fine without him. He didn't know what he was talking about. He didn't know the hole that was left inside of his chest when he died. The emptiness in his chest. The feeling of loss and loneliness.

The coldness in the spot where he used to sleep. He was gone and all he had left was a damn necklace that New York almost broke. York would've died over and over again if he did break that necklace. He didn't know that he got him through tough times. Suddenly, he felt like too many eyes were on him. He leaned into Kentucky.

"I wanna go home." He whispered, barely audible over D.C's screaming. Florida had managed to sneak an alligator in. He wasn't surprised, D.C had a lot on his hands. Kentucky glanced at D.C before nodding.

"Do you want ice cream or grits or something else you like?" Kentucky asked, carding his hands through his hair. Public affection always made him blush, but not today. He was tired of being around the states and just wanted to head home.

"Definitely ice cream. I wanna ride Titanium when we get home. Maybe some grits for dinner." New Jersey replied. He felt Kentucky nodded and tap Nevada on his arm.

"Heard it." Nevada answered before he was gone. As soon as he closed his eyes, everything else around him disappeared.


I'm not that good with keeping characters in character so this might be OOC. Anyway, I've been in the WTTT/WTTSH fandom for a while and I decided to make a fanfic. I might be make this into a one-shot book so I can post some one-shots when I feel like it if this story does well or something else. I have two other books that I'm working on.

A one-shot book that does one-shots and full stories, so not really a one-shot book. I'm also working on the Hetalia fanfic about the countries meeting the crazy Americans. I'll be posting another chapter of it soon.

If you can't tell, I'm in a lot of fandoms and I'm probably going to write at least one fanfic for all of them. I don't have accents because I'm really bad at them so I don't think I'll be doing them. It's a stupid idea. Also, NJ likes grits and other Southern food because South NJ is really southern. Anyway, I hope y'all like this! Have fun!

Words: 731


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