This Is A Revolution

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These are the nicknames I used for the colonies:

Delaware: Del
Pennsylvania: Penny
New Jersey: Jersey
Georgia: Georgie
Connecticut: Connie
Massachusetts: Mass
Maryland: Mary
South Carolina: South
New Hampshire: Hampshire
Virginia: Ginny/Gin
New York: York
North Carolina: North
Rhode Island: Rhode
New Hampshire Grants (later becomes the Republic of Vermont): Grant/Grants
Kentucky: Virgie
Maine: Doesn't have a nickname
British East Florida (later becomes the state of Florida): East
British West Florida (Dies after Florida becomes a territory): West
West Virginia: Nia


March 22nd, 1765-Williamsburg, Colony of Virginia
"What's a stamp act?" Nia asked. Ginny looked up at him in confusion.

"Stamp act? What do you mean 'stamp act'? Do you mean the Sugar Act?" Ginny asked.

"No, I mean stamp act. Here, look." Nia replied, handing him a newspaper. In big letters at the top of the paper, it read: PARLIAMENT IS PASSING A NEW TAX!

"What the..." Ginny whispered. Days later, the Quartering Act is put into commencement.

March 26th, 1765-Boston, Province of Massachusetts Bay
"This is unacceptable!" Mass exclaims, slamming his fist on the table.

"Mass, it's not that big of a deal." New Jersey said, twirling pieces of his hair around his finger.

"I agree. There's only been three acts enacted so far and they aren't even that expensive. It's not a big problem." Maine agreed.

"The taxes aren't the problem. The problem is that we've been taxed without representation." Penny answered. New Jersey groaned.

"Representation? We're colonies. We won't get representation. And even if we do try, how are we going to make Britain represent us in Parliament?" New Jersey asked.

"I'll think of a way." Mass answered.

May 15th, 1765-New York, Province of New York
New York glowered. The Quartering Act. It's all anyone can talk about now. Anger pulsed through his veins as he listened.

There's no way he's going to listen to what the stupid bitch of Britain wanted or had to say.

He never wanted to listen anyway.

May 29th, 1765-Williamsburg, Colony of Virginia
"Stay out of the way and don't say anything." Ginny had told them. If they did just that, then the other two representations of Virginia were allowed to sit in on the House of Burgess' meeting.

He could see Nia bite his lip. Nia wanted to say something. He could see it. But, Ginny had told them to not speak. He squeezed his hand tightly as he kept his eyes on Mr. Henry who was giving his speech.

"Don't say anything, please." Virgie whispered to his twin. Before Nia could respond, a single word was shouted from the crowd.


Without hesitation, Mr. Henry answers back, "If this is treason, make the most of it!"

April 1st, 1765-Boston, Province of Massachusetts Bay
"Good job." Mass compliments. Ginny nods and smiles, barely a curve of his lips.

"The Virginia Resolves has a nice ring to it, eh?" Rhode said. Connie hummed in agreement beside him.

"Yeah, they were passed three days ago." Ginny adds. Mass smiles and nods, looking upon the documents with pride.

"This is definitely going to piss Britain off." Mass whispers. Ginny smiles wider, pushing the blush creeping on his face back down.

June, 1765-Boston, Province of Massachusetts Bay
He writes to the other colonies. He wanted to get a head count of who would help him. He always wrote letters to the others. He wanted to make sure they were okay, not that he would ever admit that to them. Since most of his letters were like that, he made them like that.

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