First RULE in latin america :No des papaya

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Maybe it would be better if you didn't touch anything around you.

But you would have so much treasure for yourself, you would be rich..

You were currently in an ancient vault filled with gold antiques and other treasures. It was so huge that if you turned into a duck you could easily swim in it and that would certainly be fantastic!

Daring Do: What is this place?

Your greedy expression fell when you remembered that you had company.

T/N: A place built by an ancient lunatic with noble blood who wanted to build a legend out of his name and put all of his treasures in a vault full of traps.

Daring Do: Traps YOU fell into. Seriously, shouldn't you go to the doctor or something? That dart could contain poison or things like that.

You looked at your flank and saw the three darts that were embedded in it.

You were distracted, okay? Daring Do has some competition to give to Jessica Rabbit for her glutes...

Jessica Rabbit: How dare you insult me like that!

You looked in the direction of the previously mentioned one. You blinked. A. Twice. You went to check on Daring Do for help but she seemed oblivious to the sudden extradimensional appearance. 

Maybe those darts hit you with a stronger substance than you thought...

Jessica: I'll let you know that I can hear your thoughts.

It was a matter of time before she disappeared...

Daring Do: Hey, Y/N! Come here and use your bragging skills.

Ignoring the cartoon mirage that was still very present, you approached Daring Do and brought your gaze to where she had it.

It was a mural that represented ponies doing rituals that you hadn't seen for millennia and curiously, in one part of the inscription you were there! but there was also...

Y/N: Hey Daring? I think this tomb is fake...

Daring Do: What?! Because?! What does the writing show?

Y/N: Things didn't happen that way...

Daring Do: Y/N, what does the mural say? -she said in sudden seriousness.

You looked at the wall, what was happening? This was just supposed to be a chapter in which you made fun of the new Indiana Jones movie because suddenly everything felt so... serious?

Without even realizing it you began to speak.

T/N: A long time ago before the two great sisters rose, there were the ancient gods of energy, Faust's assistants to create the universe, they were children of Faust, the incarnations of all the things that existed.

The gods guided all species on their path of evolution, the universe was young, the future looked brighter than ever.

And then a creation that was not Faust's existed.

At the beginning he was nothing more than a mere mortal but the very fact that his paradoxical existence came to be was something that broke the universe into a point of no return. But the most dangerous thing about this being was his potential. All the gods feared this being and not without reason.

Its not order its balance (Discord x Reader Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora