Chapter 2:

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After the first ten times traveling between worlds, you get used to the cramping that comes with traveling each time. 

Y/N calmly let themself be carried through the portal like an expert, without experiencing the slightest dizziness. They had mastered the art of interdimensionality, and each journey was as fluid as walking through a door.

Sensing that they were approaching the end of the road, Y/N organized themselfs mentally and emerged from the other side of the portal with the same serenity with which one can enter a conversation. (as long you are an extrovert person)

Magical power flowed through him, revitalizing him in a way they hadn't felt in a long time. It was as if each trip gave him a new burst of energy, and now, he felt full of vitality and eagerness for fun.

He observed his surroundings. He had returned to Equestria, the world he had known for so long. Although traveling to other worlds was exciting, he always felt a special bond with this place.

However, something was different. He realized that the presence of guards in the area was more intense than he remembered. Someone was taking extra precautions. A mischievous smile formed on his lips as he considered the possibilities. The idea of causing a little chaos and fun seemed tempting.

He expanded his mind, scanning his surroundings for any useful information. He discovered that 

Celestia was not in the castle, which was an unusual occurrence, and that there were many more guards than he expected. Furthermore, his energy was not enough to perform a large-scale teleportation at this time. He had to be subtle and patient.

An idea began to brew in his mind, a Machiavellian idea that promised fun and disorder. Two guards were chatting casually in the castle hallway, a perfect scene for his plan.

Guard1: So when are you going to ask her out?

Guard2: I don't know, friend. What if he rejects me?

Guard1: You are amazing, comrade. No one would reject you!

The guards' conversation made him smile internally. It was the perfect time to start his mischief.

Guard 1: Wait, you weren't ga-

Suddenly, an injured unicorn ran out of nowhere, with scratches and a furious look on his face. 

The change was rapid and surprising.

Senior Guard: Cadets!

Both guards stood at attention and gave the standard salute upon seeing one of their superiors.

Guard(s): Yes, Captain!

Senior Guard: A monster is attacking the castle! Raise your weapons and join the others, warn whoever you can. 3bw protocol. Understood?!

Guard(s): Yes, sir!

Guard2: Sir, if I may ask, what kind of monster...

Suddenly, a gigantic shadow collided at the end of the hallway, sending some ponies flying with stunning spells.

Guardiarandom: GIANT SPIDER!

It was a giant spider, a creature that few people could face without fear. Y/N laughed internally as he watched the spider wreak havoc on the castle.

Sorry arachnophobes

The two guards wasted no time and bravely jumped into the fight along with the others. The spider wreaked havoc, attacking anyone who moved, and the castle was filled with screams and chaos.

The "superior guard" took advantage of the confusion to leave the castle calmly, when he was at a safe distance he transformed into a pegasus and took flight. He knew that he had created a massive distraction, and it was time to get away from the scene before they caught him.

Once in the air, he contemplated the chaos he had unleashed on the castle. The magical explosions, the guards running in all directions, and the panicked screams were music to his ears. He had had many adventures over the years, but few had brought him such pure satisfaction as this one.

It was time to fade into the shadows and let Equestria deal with her own spider problem. With a sonic boom, she zoomed off into the horizon, laughing as she did so.

Of course, she wouldn't leave without leaving a little surprise. With a wave of her hand, she released a small firework that exploded into the night sky, creating a light show that illuminated the night and attracted even more attention from the residents of Canterlot.

The chaos in Canterlot Castle continued as Y/N sped away, laughing internally. He had caused enough fun for one day, and now it was time to investigate what had happened in Equestria during his absence.

Meanwhile, in another part of the world...

-Are you sure you don't want help, Twilight?

In the treehouse Twilight was organizing the preparations entrusted to her for the upcoming Summer Sun festival, along with the other Elements of Harmony and Spike, who as always, drooled over Rarity.

Twilight: Yes, I'm sure. The princesses commissioned me to do this, so I must finish it by myself.

Rarity: But, darling, remember that now you too are a princess. You should relax and enjoy the comforts of being one.

As she finished her sentence, Spike burped out a scroll and handed it to Twilight, who began to read it. As he continued reading, her eyes grew wider and wider, and suddenly, her brow furrowed deeply. He lowered the scroll slowly and looked at Fluttershy with a bewildered expression.

Twilight: Fluttershy, can you call Discord, please?
Applejack: What's wrong, sugar cube?

Twilight: This is a scroll from the Princess about an incident at the castle, and I need to ask Discord some questions.

Fluttershy, meanwhile, rummaged through her mane until she pulled out a crystalline whistle.

Fluttershy: Here it is. Discord gave me this in case he needed to call him and he wasn't around.

Fluttershy blew softly on the whistle, and for a few seconds, nothing happened. Then, like an act of magic, appeared a controller in Twilight hooves that said, "IF YOU WANT TO CALL DISCORD, LORD OF CHAOS, PRESS HERE."Twilight, with her usual lack of patience, grabbed the controller and pressed the button without even reading what it said. However, the text changed and now read: "IF IT IS THE BITTER ELEMENT OF MAGIC, IT MUST SAY 'DISCORD IS AMAZING'. PLEASE :)." Twilight whispered what she was asked to do, but the text changed again: "Louder." She made it louder. "Higher". Twilight finally shouted:

Finally, Discord, the beloved draconequus, appeared in the room and looked at Twilight with a mischievous smile.
Discord: It wasn't that hard, right?Twilight just snorted and got straight to the point, showing him the scroll.

Twilight: Is this your doing?
Discord: I'm offended that you could think that of me, dear. I never...

But Discord took a better look at the scroll and tore it from Twilight's hands, beginning to examine it carefully.
The Elements grew uneasy at Discord's sudden seriousness.

Discord: This is not my doing. It doesn't have even a hint of chaotic magic, and if it had been me, I sure would have made him spit out pink slime instead of making everyone dance. That's not my style.
Twilight: So if it wasn't you, who was it?
Discord shrugged, but deep down, he had an idea of who he might have been. He handed the scroll to Twilight and felt the need to retreat to meditate on this.
Discord: If you don't mind, I'll make a copy of that scroll. -without asking permission, he used his magic to make a copy- By the way, I would advise you to investigate "Grogar's Defeater".

Readying his fingers to return to his personal dimension, Discord disappeared with a snap.
The Elements looked at him suspiciously as he left.

Discord: Things are going to get interesting...


Its not order its balance (Discord x Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now