The Wedding

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  Cersie, Raya, some ladies in waiting, and some handmaidens were in my room helping me get ready for the wedding. I threw up twice this morning and I knew I was pregnant with Jamie's child I missed my cycle last month so I was about a month in.

  I was in a long white dress with silver details going from bottom and a silver cape behind me. "Here a beautiful necklace for my beautiful daughter." Cersie said handing me a gold necklace with red jewles.

  "Thank you mother its beautiful." I said as she put the necklace around my neck. I looked at myself in the mirror as the handmaidens and the ladies in waiting were doing last minute things.

  Since Robert wasnt going to walk me down the aisle so Cersie was. we walked outside and the carriage was already there we entered and it immediantly started to go. The whole ride was silent until we arrived at the Sept.

  Cersei linked our arms and she nodded her head at me I smiled at her and we walked down the aisle. I saw Jamie and we locked eyes he looked sad as did I, I did not want to get married especially to this man.

  I was pregnant with Jamies child and I was a month in I couldent consumate the marriage with this guy. We finally got to the top of the stairs where Christopher was waiting smiling at me.

Cersei left and walked towards where the Lannister family was, I saw Sansa smiling in the crowd and then Chritopher offered his arm and I hesitantly took it. We then turned towards the officiate.

  And walked towards him Christopher removed his cloak and put it around my shoulders, we held hands as the officiate binded our hands together "Let it be known that Aelinor of house Targaryen, Christopher of house Han are one heart one flesh one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder." The officiate finished binding our hands.

  We turned to face each other a smile on his and a neautral expression on mine. "With this kiss I pledge my love." Christopher said as he placed a light kiss on my lips. Everybody started to applaud and cheer.

  After that the reception started and we sat at a high table looking over all the guests. Everybody was dancing and having fun and Christopher was eyeing other girls, while Robert was whoring around.

  "Present!" Christopher clapped and everybody gathered around giving out clothes and jewlerys and books and Christopher got a dagger. But soon everybody got out of the way as two people who looked like they werent from Westros dragged a case towards me.

  They set it down on the table infront of me and Christopher tried to take it but they two people shook there heads, and pointed at me. I looked up at them then back down at the case and started to unlock it.

  When I opened it there was 3 dragon eggs in there all in a line, a woman walked up towards me the room was silent. I could hear Christopher fuming next to me he was jealous that I got better presents then him combined.

  The woman said she was Azure from Volantis she said that she found these eggs in the Shadows of Asshai. I nodded my head "Thank you there beautiful." I said picking up the lavendar one.

I told the people who carried the dragon eggs to take them to my chambers. "They have turned into stone from over time but they are beautiful." Azure said. I smiled as she left and everybody resumed to what they were doing.

  "Bedding ceremony!" Christopher said excitedly. I shifted uncomfortably at the thought of sharing a bed with him.

  "There will be no bedding ceremony sorry to dissapoint." Cersei said loud enough for everyone to hear. The men who were getting up stopped and sat back down.

  Christopher rolled his eyes and huffed slouching back into his chair. "If youll excuse me husband." I said before leaving him and walking towards Jamie who looked miserable drinking his wine basically chugging.

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