The Mad Kings Daughters

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16 years later

As I walked the halls of the red keep I noticed Jamie and Cersei talking along the edge. I had a huge headache since Robert wanted to honour his friend by ringing those dumb bells.

I didn't want to engage so I walked past them but before I could reach the door ahead of me, I heard my mother's voice. "Where are you going little dove you should be in your chambers."

"Uhm... I was just on a walk trying to get rid of my headache, it's a shame what happened to John Arryn." My voice came out a little shaky.

"Yes a shame what happened... did you hear we're going to winterfell?" Jamie questioned. Winterfell is a cold dead place for cold dead people.

"No I haven't and I have no desire to go."

"None of us do little dove now run along to your chambers we don't want you to get caught."

I did as my mother told me and went to my chambers but Jamie followed. "You can drop the act as the little innocent girl you know."

I reached my chamber and he pushed me in. "Pushing a princess is very rude and-" he cut me off with his lips on mine. Soon clothes were scattered on the floor.

Once we were done I layed beside him tracing random things on his chest. "Do you think Winterfell is pretty?" I asked, planting kisses on his shoulder.

"With you there yeah without you no." Jamie answers rolling so he was on top of me. "You're one of the most desirable women in all of westeros anywhere you go you bless it with your beauty."

"Your a lucky man Lannister very lucky." I smiled up at him. "That I am." He got up and started to dress. "Where are you going??" "Kingsguard duties love I'm sorry." He responded putting his armour on.

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   The wheelhouse was cramped with my mother beside me Raya on this other side Myrcella and Tommen beside Raya and a bunch of southern ladies across.

   The wheelhouse came to sudden stop "finally" I thought "were here"

   The king greeted the Stark family and me and Cersei came out of the wheelhouse together and I stayed by Tommen and Myrcella. While Cersei put her hand infront of Ned Stark expecting him to kiss it.

   "Take me to your crypts I want to pay my respects." The King said to his old friend. "That's the mad Kings Daughter." The little girl said to the red head. "We've been traveling for a month my love surely the dead can wait." My mother said.

  "Ned." Robert said before he walked away to the crypts himself. I hated how he treated my mother ,I hated him out of all people . Sure he spared me but when he looks at me all he sees Rhaegar the man who took away the love of his life.

   "Where is the imp?" the little girl spoke again. Cersei whispered something to Jamie and off he was probably finding little Tyrion. "I can show you your chambers if that's what you'd like." Lady Stark spoke up.

   "Yes that would be lovely thank you." I said giving a smile as she linked arms with mine. We reached my chambers and when she opened my chamber door I was amazed.

  A canopy bed made of dark wood with designs carved into it. The mountain of pillows with different shades of blue. The sheets being a velvet royal blue.

  "Thank you Lady Stark." I said with a smile. "Of course Princess." Lady Stark was raised to be a perfect lady and that she was. "A feast will be held later today I expect you to be there." She bowed and then left.

  My stuff was already in there and I began to unpack.

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   I sat next to a bunch of southern and northern ladies. I heard all the gossip I even spreaded some gossip. I heard my mother call up Sansa. Me and Sansa had become friends for the few hours I've been in this country.

   I saw Jamie and Ned talking not so friendly. Everyone knows they don't like each other ever since Ned caught Jamie killing my father.

   "So have you seen any dragons I mean you are a Targaryen." A northern lady said. "Oh no no no dragons went extinct long before I was born." I said giggling along with everyone.

   I felt eyes burn into me but I chose to ignore it. "So have you thought about marrying a beauty like you should be married as soon as possible." A southern lady name Mira said.

   "Oh I don't know lots of proposals but for some reason my mother turns them down."

   We continued talking and the feeling that somebody was staring never went away. I laughed and talked and drank and by the end of the night I was glad I wasn't married. All the attention on me and my looks I loved it.

   I walked back to my chambers when I heard footsteps behind me. I quickly turned around and Jamie was right there his hands around my waist, and his face inches away from mine.

  "I found a tower just a few miles away. We wouldnt get caught." He whispered in my ear smirking.

  "Then what are you waiting for." I whispered. We began walking to the tower and when we finally got there his lips were on mine.

  As were getting in a heated session I saw a little boy peer through the window. "Jamie stop, stop!" Jamie stopped and ran over to the boy. "Are you mad! Hey, hey it's alright." Jamie said to the boy.

  "If this got to anybody Robert would have my head!" I whispered

  "The things I do for love." He says and pushes the boy out of the tower.


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  I walked to the dining hall to have breakfast with my family. I sat down next to Tyrion and Jamie. "So the Stark boy... the Maesters said he might live." Tyrion said.

  "Have they now?" I said giving a worried glace to Jamie. "Yes but they said he may not ever be able to walk again." "It's no mercy letting a child live in such condition." Cersei said.

  Tyrion began talking about how he was going to the wall but I kept thinking about the boy. "children don't need to hear your filth." Was all I heard before Myrcella and Tommen followed her like little ducklings.

  Me and Raya walked out of the room leaving the two men alone.

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   Somebody knocked at my chambers and I quickly answered it expecting it to be Jaime. "What where you thinking" I questioned quickly shutting the door so nobody could hear us. Walls were awfully thin here in the North if were not careful we could get caught.

  "I was thinking of us." Of course he was he was always so reckless. "And what happens if he tells them what happened what he caught us doing?" How could he be so care free? "We can outfox a ten year old."

   "And if Robert finds out? He doesn't want anymore Targaryens running around as it is what would he do if he found out."

  "I'll go to war with him if I have to." He snaked his hands around my waist "I'll tell the whole world and then kill another king."

   I slapped him hard and all he did was start to laugh he was so care free how could he not care my head could be on a spike. I went to slap him again but he caught my arm and spun me around. "Let me go" I said struggling to get out of his grip.

  "If the boy says anything I'll kill him I'll kill them all until theres only me and you left in this world."

   I was so mad at him "and Cersei? And your bastards?" He tightened his grip. He told me they broke it off after Myrcella but how true could that be.

   "Only you and me." Jamie repeated "you and me" I leaned back into his embrace and he moved his hands up.


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