Aelinor Targaryen

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    The long ride back to Kingslanding was long but we were back. It felt good to stretch out after months of riding South. Shortly after the Stark party arrived.

   Out stepped Sansa and Arya, Sansa glanced at me and I gave her a kind smile. That poor girl was being married to Joffery all you can feel for that girl is pity. If she learns how to play correctly she may just end up surviving. But she didn't see anything wrong getting married to the prince.

  There were some troubles on the road like the fight that happened between Aryas direwolf and Joffery. But other than that nothing really happened.

   I was snapped out of my thoughts when Jamie escorted me into the Red Keep. Sansa and Arya were right behind me and I could hear them arguing. I wonder what it was like to have a sister. Yes me and Myrcella were close but I wonder what it would feel to have a sister related to by blood.

  I've heard that I've got a twin sister and a brother across the Narrow Sea in Essos. I believe it I know I'm not the last Targaryen at least that's what I tell myself at night. We soon arrived at my chambers and Jamie entered with me.

  "What are you doing someone could see!" I whispered yelled at him. "I just want to talk to you." "Well I'm here what do you wanna talk about?" "Nothing in particular." He glanced at my lips then back into my eyes. This man was relentless but I still loved him, I would follow him until the end.

  It's scary to admit that in my head but I did and the measures I would go for him is insane. He didn't need to say anything else before I smashed my lips on his. His hands snaked around my waist. Everything that was once on the desk was scattered on the floor. He lifted up onto the desk and deepened the kiss.

  But as we could get any further somebody knocked at the door. I slid off the desk and he hid in my wardrobe in the room. I made myself presentable and opened the door to be greeted by Cersei.

  "Mother! I didn't expect you I'm sorry it's a mess one of the handmaidens knocked it down." I said staring her in the eye. One thing my mother taught was to always maintain eye contact didn't look away and hold your head high when you lie. She gave me a suspicious look but let herself in.

  Jamie was silent in the wardrobe if he slightly breathed Cersei would be alarmed. "Sit my dear." She said as she poured a glass of wine for me and her.

  I gladly accepted the wine and started sipping it. "I think I have found a man suitable for you. He's around your age and he's very skilled in sword fighting and archery." I looked at her blankly and nodded my head letting her continue.

  Jamie felt jealously boiling in the bottom of his stomach. Aelinor was his and his only. But he had to keep quiet to not get caught. "But I don't want to marry anyone." I said rather fast.

  "I know little dove but it is our duty to marry and have heirs." Cersei said sipping on her wine. I sighed and leaned back in my chair, this isn't fair. I can't marry the man I love because he's far from my age and he's in the Kingsguard.

  Cersei soon left and I looked toward the wardrobe. Jamie stepped out as soon as the coast was clear. I poured a glass of wine for me and him. We just sat on the balcony in comfortable silence. Watching the birds fly and sing and staring at the garden. I felt safe with him and I'll never feel that way with another man.


  It was late at night and I stayed in my chambers for half the day. The only time I came out was for dinner. I layed in my bed and blew out the candle next to me. I soon slept and had a weird dream. A vision some people would say it was from across the narrow sea.

  I saw two people with silver hair a girl and a boy. Were these my long lost siblings that Robert talks about, or is this a figure of my imagination. They were outside of a nice structure. Soon a bunch of men on horses came riding in. "The dothraki." I said out loud.

  The silver haired girl walked towards the men but before she got any closer the boy grabbed her. I walked towards them getting a good look at there faces. These were definitely my siblings I smiled lightly. But before the vision of my siblings continued I was in another place.

  A place that looked like it was covered in... Snow? No it was covered in ash I heard a gut wrenching screech, and I ran out the door. I saw nothing but I just heard screeching and flapping. The first thought that came to my mind was a dragon, but there been dead for years there's no way that's a dragon. I continued walking in a very familiar room, and then I reached it.

  The iron throne was staring right at me like it was calling to me. I've been in the presence of this throne so many times but this time it was different. "I don't want the throne" I thought. Oh but I did I wanted to take back what was mine. I needed to take it back for my house and my legacy.

  But anybody who's that driven by power would not be a good queen. But I still walked up to it and then suddenly the throne room changed. It was in one piece there was no ash but there was somebody on the throne, my father. "BURN THEM ALL!" My father yelled. Suddenly Jamie walked right past me and towards my father. I tired to stop him but he didn't listen.

  How could I change the past? I couldn't and Jamie stuck the sword through my fathers back. But he kept saying burn them all, not caring there was a sword driven though his back. I looked away and then I heard gurgling. I looked back but the Thorne room changed back to ash.

  I stood still the my silver hair blowing in my face, I looked around everything was collapsing around me but I started towards the throne room. I walked up the steps and touched the throne, I felt the cold metal beneath my fingers and I felt a wave of power. But before I could sit on the throne I heard that awful screech again. I walked towards the sound a shadow casted over the ash covered ground.

  I looked up and all I saw was a... wing! I ran to get a better look of the dragon but before I could.

  I woke up.

  I sat right up I looked out at the window it was atleast mid morning, I saw one of my closest friends folding clothes she was a handmaiden but that didnt matter to me. "Tory?" I squinted my eyes getting adjusted in the light.

  "Aelinor?" we both laughed for some stupid reason she was close to my age she was 17. We have been friends since we were eight my mother found it weird but we continued being best friends.

  " Are you alright I could get some Maesters you loom awfully pale and sweaty?" she said showing clear concern in her eyes as she came over and felt my forehead.

  "No fever but still I think its best if you rest."

  "I am ok Tory honest." I said and got up to hug her she accepted it but I soon pulled away to get dressed.

  "Youve always been a great friend Tory please know that and when I get wed id like you and Raya to stand by me."

  she smiled and her eyes lit up she nodded her head.




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