The Tournament

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  I got up to my wardrobe getting ready for the tournament for Ned Stark. I put on a red plain gown and some jewlery Jamie has given me over the years, I put my hair in a braid and left to find Raya.

  I arrived at Rayas door and knocked lightly but loud enough for her to hear me. I didnt wait for a reply and walked in anyway, I saw her sitting at her vanity with a young boy behind her. He looked at me and his eyes widened he quickly walked past me well more like ran.

  "What was that about?" I asked my attention diverting from Raya to the door.

  "Oh nothing im almost ready for the tournament once im finished with this braid we can go." she soon finished and linked our arms together. we took the scenic route and went through the gardens instead. The scent of the flowers and the vibrant colours of them could make sad person estatic.

  We soon arrived at the tournament and I sat next to Tommen and Myrcella, while Raya split apart and sat next to the king. Two men came out onto the feild the Mountain and Ser Hugh of the Vale. The tourney soon began and they both charged at one another, both missing but something told me that this was not going to end well.

  Soon enough they started to charge at one another for a second time, this time the Mountains lance broke off into Ser Hugh's throat. He fell off his horse and I saw him drowing in his own blood, a horrible sight to see so I covered both the childrens eyes.

  They were so very sweet and innocent I couldent bare for them to see such a thing. Tommen took a peak but then quickly regretted his decision, I got up and both the Lannister children followed after being pursuaded by Cersie.

  We entered the gardens and sat on a stone bench near the roses, Tommen rested his head on my shoulder and Myrcella looked at the flowers to distract herself from the horrors she saw.

  We sat in a comfortable silence then the Hound came to collect us and bring us back to the tournament. We got back and they ran back to there mother and she mouthed the words 'thank you.' I nodded and sat back to my original seat and they announced the next two people.

  " Ser Gregor Clegane and Ser Loras Tyrell." He rode up to Sansa and offered her a flower which she graciously accepted. The joust soon began and Loras knocked the mountain off his horse. Blinded by anger the Mountain cut his horses head off in hopes it would releive some anger.

  Then a whole fight began between the Hound and the Mountain but before any real damage had began the king yelled. The Hound kneeled barley missing the attack on the Mountains behalf. After that whole thing was dealt with the king announced a feast and I felt my shoulders relax.

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  The feast more like party began and I found myself barley sitting down and relaxing. Many men asked for me to dance with them and I complied but once I didnt get any requests for a good minute I sat down out of breath.

  It started to get hotter and I quickly stood up and walked out feeling a bunch of eyes on me. I felt the cool breeze on my face and I sat next to a little stream and started to skip rocks.

  "You killed the love of my life." I heard a slurred rough voice behind me I jumped and turned around to find Robert behind me. I quickly stood up to compose myself he was very drunk more drunk then usual.

  "Your Grace I did no such thing I am sorry for your loss but I am not my brother, I promise you that." I felt a bit of pity for the man losing the love of his life but shit happens and life goes on. But he didnt see it that way he saw that he had to take vengeance on every Targaryen.

  He grabbed my wrist and slammed me into the stone wall then he pulled out a dagger and put it to my throat. I stood there in fear and thought that this was it I was going to die by Robert Baratheon.

  "YOU KILLED HER RHAEGAR YOU KILLED THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!" he screamed my eyes filling with tears. He took the oppurtunity to strike but before he did Tory one of my closest friends stood infront of me, and he stabbed her instead right in the stomach.

  My eyes widened as I saw kingsguard members rush out the door one being Jamie, I quickly fell to my knees and held Tory blood gushing out her stomach and mouth. tears fell out of my eyes as I saw Robert dismiss himself out of the corner of my eyes.

  The rest of the kingsguard took there leave except for one, Jamie. A bunch of Maesters crowded around us and they took Tory.  Jamie slowly took my hand and stood me up right. I quickly barried my face in his chest and started to sob.

  "She died alone and scared and she died for me and now shes dead and I cant repay her for saving me." I said in between sobs .

  "You dont know shes dead." He said rubbing his hand along my back.

  "But she did I saw it I saw all the life just drain from her eyes." He hugged me tighter. He led me back to my chambers and I sat on the bed and he sat next to me. I leaned into him and put my head on his shoulder.

  Jamie was never good at comforting people but he tried his hardest for me I soon fell asleep into his arms.

  I had a dream a memory when I was about 7 it was random but it was a dream to try and divert the horrors that happend this evening.
  I was running along the ocean of Casterly Rock when I spotted a injured animal limping around the rocks. I moved closer to it and saw a slash through its side and its foot twisted all the way around.

  I picked it up it looked like a baby fox its started to whine and whimper in pain I looked around and saw nobody around. I quickly ran into the castle and again saw nobody the blood started dripping on my hands and onto my dress.

  I ran upstairs and heard talking I opened the door and the whole lannister family was there Tywin, Cersei, Joffery, Tyrion, Tommen, Myrcella, and Jamie. "The fox needs help..." I said as the fox was struggling.

  Jamie took the fox out of my arms and pulled a dagger out, "NO! You cant do it please dont Jamie." he looked at me and then back at the fox "Sorry sweet but its better to put it out of its misery." he said to me his green eyes boring into my lavender ones.

  "Come little dove you dont need to see this lets get you cleaned up." Cersei said staring at my bloodied hands. "Give the thing to me." Joffery said with a little smile. Jamie sighed hoping to get this whole thing over with.

  He complied and gave the fox to Joffery, but Joffery's never been innocent or pure never in his life so he stabbed the fox himself. I screamed and Cersie put a hand on my shoulder and gasped as well. "JOFFERY YOUR SUCH A CUNT!" I screamed at him and Jamie let out a snort but Tywin gave him a look.

  "well can you atleast say your gonna bury the poor thing." I said

  "Yes I will bury the fox." Jamie sighed and picked the fox up and walked out of the room.

  I walked out with him while everyone continued talking, "Im sorry sweet im sure the maester couldve saved the fox if Joffery didnt kill him."
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  I woke up with Jamie's arm around my waist I rolled over and Jamie was asleep but he soon woke up. "morning" he said and I snuggled deeper into him. he chuckled and held me tight hoping that I wouldnt remember last nights events.

  "I dreamed about that fox you know the one we buried together in Casterly Rock." I said he smiled at the memory.

  "How could I forget."

  "Joffery was such a cunt." I said smiling slightly but felt wrong smiling after what happend last night.

  He laughed and I did too a genuine laugh we both shared.






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