regret and secret

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kay, this is a book. I happen wanting to do. It is base of from friend justin game 44 Story he is writing that he wants to sell into a real book.

He has a publicist. But there's going to be a lot of changes and things added that wasn't in war of the foxes.

He told me it was ok, but not to use any of the actual characters in the book as He doesn't want anything to absolutely be spoiled about the characters.

regret and secret

Throughout the hundreds of years when quirks have been around all over the world, The world has started to undergo a change, Throughout the seven continents of the world everyone began to lose their quirks.

Because of this everyone began to freak out and panic, those who had mutations with their quirks began to change from looking like animals or other kinds of forms to look like normal people.

The question was though why it was happening as Nobody knew except for one person.

In Japan, The city of Musashino, where an apartment building stands, In one of those apartments lived the person.

Inside a small dark bedroom was a boy at the age of 14. He had pale skin, dark green curly hair, freckles on his cheeks, big eyes that held tears as he looked at his computer and saw all the chaos going on. His name was none other than Midnight Izuku.

Izuku kept clicking, wondering what was happening to everyone whose quirk had been taken away from them.

Izuku started crying as he put his arms on the table and laid his head down.

He was crying to all the people that were hurting, "so many people are hurt because of me, Why did I do it why?"

Izuku's room lit up with glowing lights coming from his bed. Izuku turned his head and saw the glowing orb that caused it all.

"This is what you wished for, as you wanted. Other people to know how you felt all your life," The orb said as Izuku was left there remembering how this all happened as tears were still coming down from his eyes.

Flash back

Izuku walked back home after everything that had happened and, honestly, it was the worst day of his life.

Izuku had his head down as he walked back home, At first going to middle school. Everyone always laughed at him because he had dreams of becoming a hero.

Bakugo bullied him, as the teachers allowed it to happen. Bakugo went so far as to even burn his notebook, erasing everything he'd written. He threw the notebook out the window.

It was nothing more than fish food, as it landed in the water where the fish were.

And to make matters worse, what Bakugo said to him was across the line: "If you want a quirk that badly, I have an idea: take a swan dive off the rooftop, and in the next life, you may be lucky to have one."

Later that day, as he was walking home from school, Izuku was captured by a villain who almost killed him. However, a miracle saved him Is by none other than his idol and the number one hero.

Almighty, Izuku. It was a dream, and he even got his book signed. However, it quickly turned around from good to bad when he asked, "Is a person able to be a hero without a Quirk?"

The Almighty said no, but it was good to have dreams. However, it was important to stay in reality. He also said that he could become a cop or detect.

Izuku felt heartbroken, even though his own idol didn't believe someone like him could be a hero.

Now heading back home, as he now truly believed that everyone else believed him to be worthless.

Izuku didn't feel like he belonged in this world, as only 20% of the population were quirkless. Japan, however, only has 1% of its population who are quirkless.

Suddenly a bright light surrounded Izuku. It made a beautiful light that twinkled around him. "Huh? What's going on?"

The lights now completely blinded him; "AAAHHHHH!"

Hearing something that had fall to the ground, ir ttapped his foot when izuku vision came back, and saw What was down on his feet was a white orb glowing bright.

"Huh? What is this?" Izuku asked as he picked up the glowing orb. A cold hand touched his back, but no one was there when he looked.

It was only then that he heard the voice coming from the orb: "Such pain I feel from your soul; others think so highly of themselves that they can do whatever they want to you, do you wish you could make others understand what it's like if they were quirkless?"

Izuku didn't feel scared that he was hearing this voice coming from an orb. But rather, he started to remember how everyone had treated him so badly just because he was quirkless.

Izuku Heard another voice and it was whispering in his ear, "A world where everyone was stripped of there quirks."

Izuku nodded, feeling something inside of him. The pain was gone, and he noticed two lights glowing from behind them: blue and red. But when he turned around, he saw nothing.

"Yes, I wish people could understand if they were quirkless. Understanding what it's like in a world where everyone has no quirks...!?" A tap on his back made him feel like saying something he wasn't going to, "A world where everyone is stripped of their quirks and forever ends the era of quirks."

Izuku gasped as he collapsed onto his knees and felt the hand on his back was gone. Laughter soon filled the air from the glowing orb, which had glowed brighter than before. "I'm so proud to have granted this wish, Midoriya Izuku, I can bring the end of all quirks!"

The glowing orb lit up the sky as Izuku looked up to see the sky had turned blood red. Lightning began to form, and it was the color of pitch black as if the sky were cracked.

Izuku panicked and began running back home. He heard many people screaming and yelling as the lightning struck them, stripping them of their quirks.

flashback over

Izuku had remained in his bedroom ever since, as he was too scared to tell anyone worried about what might happen to him and scared of what they might think.

Izuku regretted this, but there was nothing he could do about it. When he tried to take his wish back, it wouldn't allow him to. He only had one wish and he use it.

Izuku Was only left there wondering what was he going to do?

To be continued

So tell me guys what do you think about this?

Give me your thoughts and opinions on this chapter.

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