Chapter 27: A Mission From Mitsugoshi.

Start from the beginning

Nu raised an eyebrow, her expression turning more serious. "Copying? You misunderstand. All this is thanks to Lord Shadow's unparalleled wisdom and innovative ideas."

Glancing around, Kirito spotted a section filled with clothes brands and cosmetics that bore a striking resemblance to those in his own world. With a smirk, he simply replied, "Yeah, yeah," clearly amused by the familiar yet peculiar setting.

Kirito's eyes scanned the bustling atrium, taking in the overwhelming display of familiarity mixed with foreignness. As he observed the fervour around him, a fleeting thought crossed his mind. (Could it be possible?) he pondered silently. (With all these 'innovative ideas' and the unmistakable presence of Shadow's influence everywhere, what if Shadow himself was also transported to this world?)

As Nu led Kirito to Lady Gamma's office, the imposing door swung open with an air of importance. Kirito followed Nu inside, only to find Lady Gamma engrossed in writing, surrounded by stacks of papers and scrolls.

Nu cleared her throat, announcing their presence. Gamma looked up, her eyes widening in surprise before a warm smile graced her face. "Ah, Kirito! It's been a while!" she exclaimed, making her way towards him.

As Gamma approached, she suddenly tripped over an oddly placed pile of paperwork, teetering dangerously. With lightning reflexes, Kirito swiftly caught her, preventing an imminent collision with the floor.

Gamma steadied herself, catching her breath for a moment before breaking into a relieved smile. "Thank you, Kirito! You've certainly gotten stronger since the last time we met."

Kirito smirked, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Well, it seems some things never change, Gamma. You're still as clumsy as ever."

Gamma's cheeks flushed a shade of crimson as she hastily straightened her attire. However, instead of defending her grace, she pouted like a child, crossing her arms indignantly. "I'll have you know, I'm not clumsy! I'm just... exceptionally unlucky," she declared with exaggerated emphasis.

Both Kirito and Nu exchanged a glance, a shared smirk evident on their faces. "Oh, really?" Kirito responded, raising an eyebrow, while Nu suppressed a chuckle.

Gamma's expression wavered between feigned indignation and amusement. "Honestly, you two! Always so quick to judge," she huffed. "It's not my fault; it's just the universe conspiring against me!"

Kirito gave a slight nod, his lips curving into a wry smile. "Sure, sure," he replied with a hint of amusement. "Now, Gamma, what did you wish to see me for?"

Gamma took a moment to compose herself, adjusting her attire once more. "Ah, Kirito," she began, her tone shifting to a more serious demeanour. "We have a mission that only someone of your unique abilities can undertake."

She paused momentarily, casting a glance to someone behind Kirito. "Isn't that right, Eta?"

Just as Kirito was about to respond, a sudden presence made him stiffen. He turned around swiftly, only to find Eta sizing him up with a scrutinizing gaze. She circled around him, her eyes scanning him from head to toe, leaving Kirito feeling increasingly uncomfortable.

"What are you doing?" Kirito blurted out, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment as he attempted to maintain some semblance of composure amidst Eta's thorough examination.

Eta finally halted, a sly smile forming on her lips. "Just ensuring you're up for the task," she replied cryptically, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Gamma cleared her throat, attempting to steer the conversation back on track. "As I was saying, Kirito," she began, regaining her composure, "your expertise is required for a mission of utmost importance."

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