Chapter 2 Midnight Talks and Confessions

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I woke up in the middle of the night. I felt an arm around my waist. I looked up and I saw Mark sleeping. He looks so cute. I looked around and saw that it was pitch black. I moved Mark's arm and I slowly crawled out of bed. I walked towards my backpack and I pulled out a lantern and I turned it on. I also grabbed a box of cigarettes and a lighter.

I got up and I started walking. My heels were loud, so I took them off and I carried them. I finally made it outside. I sat down on the bench. I put the lantern down on the bench. I set my heels down too. I pulled out a cigarette and my lighter out of my pocket. I put the cigarette in my mouth and I lit it. I inhaled and exhaled.

All of a sudden, I heard a voice. "What are you doing up?" I turned my head and I saw Carl. "I couldn't sleep." "Mind if I sit down?" "Sure." I moved the lantern over. I saw Carl sat down. I blew the smoke away from Carl. "I didn't know you smoked." "My friends don't know either. Promise you won't tell?" "Your secret is safe with me." I let out a small laugh. "What time is it?"

I checked the time on my Fitbit "12:20." "Damn. I didn't realize it was late." "Does your dad know you're up?" No. I'm usually quiet. I don't want to be rude, but your heels woke me up." "Oh shit. I'm sorry." "It's okay. I couldn't sleep either."

I inhaled and exhaled my cigarette again. "Can I try?" I looked into Carl's piercing blue eyes. "I don't want to get you in trouble." "Please?" I finally gave in. "Fine." I handed him the cigarette. "How do I smoke it?" "Inhale and exhale." I saw him put it in his mouth. He inhales and exhales slowly. "Here you go." He hands it back to me. "So how old are you?" Was he asking me about my age? "13. You?" "I'm 13 too." "Does your dad know you swear?" "No. Does yours?" "Jacob doesn't care what I do. He lets me do whatever I want." "Is Karl like a father to you?" "Yeah."

It was a little bit chilly. I shivered and I folded my arms. "You okay?" "No. I'm a bit chilly." "Here. Take this." I saw Carl take his flannel off. "What about you?" "I'll be okay." I took it and I put it on. "I noticed yesterday that you and Mark are close." "Yeah. He cares about me." "I'm sure he does. Do you like him?" "I do, but I don't know if he likes me back."

I felt a hand on top of mine. I looked down and I saw Carl's hand. I felt a tingling sensation going through my body. "I know we met yesterday, but I really like you. You have pretty green eyes, an amazing laugh, a cute smile, and the way you took care of my sister yesterday, that was amazing." "I did my best."

(This is what I look like)👆

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(This is what I look like)👆

I checked the time on my Fitbit and it read 12:45. "I should head in soon." I inhaled and exhaled the cigarette one last time and I put it out on my arm. "Why did you do that?" I mumbled, "I don't know." "Let me see." I rolled the sleeves of the flannel up. "Oh God. Why?" "Because I'm not perfect." "Yes you are. Does Karl know?" "No." "You should tell him." "I'll tell him when the right time comes."

I put my head down. "Hey. Look at me." I looked into Carl's blue eyes. "You are perfect. You're beautiful. Don't let people get in your way." "My life is fucked up. I was raped and sexually abused. My parents died right in front of me. I was shot 3 times and I was sick. Every time I ate, I would throw up my food. I took a lot of pills. I tried cutting myself, but it didn't work. I just want to die." I said while crying.

"Ness, I'm here for you, okay?" I just nodded my head yes. Carl used his thumb to wipe my tears away. He pulls me in for a hug. He started stroking my hair. "Everything will be ok." He pulls away. He placed my hand on my cheeks. "I'm here, okay?" "Okay." "Have you ever kissed anyone?" "No. Why?" Carl placed his lips on mine. I was shocked at first, but I slowly melted into the kiss.

We kissed for a few seconds and we pulled away. We placed our foreheads together. "That was amazing." He lets out a small laugh. "We should head inside now." "Okay." I grabbed my box of cigarettes, my lighter, my heels, my lantern and I got off the bench. "I should head back to my room. Mark's probably worried about me. "Why not stay with me? It'll be so much easier." "Okay."

We both head inside. We had to be quiet because our people were sleeping. We finally made it to Carl's room. I set the lantern down on the table. I set my heels on the floor. I put my lighter and my cigarettes on the sink. I crawled into bed and I laid on my side.

Carl crawls into bed and he pulls me into his chest. He wraps his arm around my waist. "You're so beautiful, you know that, right?" "Yeah." "Get some sleep, okay? We have a big day today." "Okay." Carl nuzzled his head into my neck. I'm in love with Carl. I have to decide if I love Mark or Carl. I'm in a love triangle. I'll tell one of the girls tomorrow or maybe Karl. Who knows. I heard light snoring. I knew that Carl was asleep. I closed my eyes and I fell asleep too.

 I closed my eyes and I fell asleep too

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