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"Oh my god," Natasha groaned, smacking her forehead in frustration.

"It's a baby," Steve gestured in disbelief to the small 2-year-old child who sat in front of them, confused.

"It's Scott," Bruce corrected.

"As a baby!" Steve threw his hands up in the air and sighed.

"He'll grow up," Bruce reasoned.

"Bring Scott back," Steve demanded.

Bruce looked to Nico, who was sitting against the wall, unaffected. "When I tell you, kill the power!" he shouted.

Bruce slammed his hand onto the control panel, and Baby Scott disappeared back into the glowing van.

"Now!" Bruce commanded.

Nico flipped the power switch and normal-sized Scott appeared at the base of the van, out of breath.

"Somebody just peed my pants," Scott wheezed. "I don't know if it was baby-me or old-me."

"Oh, thank God," Natasha exhaled slowly.

"Or just... me-me..." Scott trailed off.

"Um, if I may," Nico raised his voice from the back of the room.

Bruce turned around, frustrated. "What?"

"So far, Scott here has turned into an awkward teenager, a grumpy old man, and an infant child. How is this going to help get my family back, get all of your families back?"

"We're working on it, okay, kid? I don't see you helping." Bruce turned to face his computer and began to type.

"I would if I could," Nico snapped. His eyes widened immediately. "I'll be right back." With a single step, he stepped back into the corner and faded into the shadows.

The Avengers stopped and stared. "Wha- what? Where'd he go?" Steve stammered, blinking.

"Eh," Clint shrugged. "Don't let it weird you out."

Steve rubbed his forehead. "I'm gonna go take a walk," he declared, and with that, he left the hangar.

-----name the time skip!!-----

Steve leant against the compound building, feeling absolutely discouraged, when he heard the roar of an engine. Alarm in his eyes, he looked up to see a sleek silver Audi rolling to a stop.

The darkened windows rolled down, revealing an unimpressed Tony Stark.

"Why the long face?" Tony smirked. "Let me guess, he turned into a baby."

Steve sighed. "Among other things."

Tony opened the door of the car and stepped out. "EPR Paradox. Instead of pushing Lang through time, you were pushing time through Lang. It's dangerous. I probably should have cautioned you against it."

Steve exhaled. "You did."

"Thank god, I'm here," Tony shrugged. "Regardless, I fixed it." He held an intricate looking metal bracelet. "That is a fully functioning, time-space GPS."

Steve smiled gratefully.

"I just want peace." Tony held up a peace sign. "Resentment is corrosive. I hate it."

"Me, too," Steve said. The tension he had felt in the air just moments ago seemed to have dissipated.

Tony nodded. "We've got a shot at the stones. I just need you to know my priorities. Bring back everyone we lost, hopefully. Keep what I found, at all costs. And hey, let's maybe not die trying?"

Steve looked at Tony with newfound warmth, and stuck out his hand for Tony to shake. "Sounds like a deal."

Tony shook it.

"But wait, there's more!" Tony opened the trunk of his car. "Act now, and it comes with a bonus offer."

Steve's famous Captain America shield, shined and polished in it's red, white, and blue glory, sat in the trunk of Tony's car.

Steve inhaled sharply. "Tony, I don't know..."

"What's to know? He made it for you. Plus, I gotta get it out of the garage before Morgan takes it sledding."

Steve picked up the shield carefully and slid it onto his arm. "Thank you, Tony," Steve whispered.

Tony choked up for a second before slamming the car trunk down. "Just don't flaunt it. I didn't bring enough for the whole team. We are getting the whole team, right?"

Steve and Tony walked into the compound together. "We're working on it," Steve replied.

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