"He kept that?" I asked, "Wow. It sounds like he loves you a lot,"

"He does. He really does," she said, "Right, who is getting their hair done first?"

"You, and Ally will get her makeup done, while I do Charlie's,"

A couple of minutes later, it turned into getting ready chaos. Sierra did my makeup, and I looked really pretty so I went to the other room to show Calum because... I dunno. I just wanted to because this was all so weird. He said it looked nice too.

There was a photographer taking photos of us all, but I sat waiting in the corner for everyone else to get their hair and makeup done.

"Charlie, she said she would curl your hair if you want?"

"Are you sure? Really? Do I have to pay?"

"No," Gabi said, "It will look nice,"

She swapped with me, then stood holding my hand as I got it done.

"Are you nervous?"


"You got your something old, new, and blue. What is borrowed?"

"My wedding dress,"

"From who?"

"My grandma. Dad doesn't know yet," 

"Oh. That is so lovely. I bet you will look so beautiful,"

"Let's hope. I am gonna run to the toilet then get it on, then we all need photos,"

She left, so I finished getting my hair done and Sierra ushered me to get my dress on like the rest of them. Her and Sierra had a private moment while she got it on, and the photographer went and took some photos, then they had some group ones without me, and with me. I didn't mind. I knew I was practically a stranger. They had all been very kind and welcoming.

"Is it okay if my dad comes in?"


"He is coming for a first look. I am so excited,"

"You look amazing, Gabi," I said, "Like a real princess,"

"Oh thank you! You look beautiful too. You all look gorgeous, thank you for helping me get ready,"

"I have had a lot of fun,"

"Me too," Ally said, hugging me, "I feel like my mothers are getting married,"

"Big sisters, I am not that old,"

There was a knock at the front door, so she ran to the other room and we let Luke in. He complimented us all, especially Sierra, then went into the dressing room. We could hear his gasp, then cry, and it sounded like a really emotional conversation so I tried not to eavesdrop and instead admired Ally's bridesmaid bouquet.

Eventually, they came out and took some family photos of them fussing over Gabi, perfecting her hair and everything.

"Right. I need to bring you back to Calum, and let's get this show on the road!"

Luke held his hand out, so I took it and followed him across to the actual wedding venue where people were filing in to sit down, leaving me with Calum so he could go back to Gabi. We were all on the front row, and I sat on the edge beside Calum, a space for Ally next to me. I was a bit nervous, so I held Calum's hand and he gave me a reassuring smile.

Eventually, everyone made it in, and we waited for the piano music to start. I just copied Calum, standing when he did, then we watched as Ally and Sierra came down the aisle with their flowers, before sitting with us. Axel came too with the rings.

Maddox walked down the aisle first with her dad. She looked stunning. Her dress was beautiful, her hair, her makeup, everything. When she saw me, she gave me a smile, then stood one side at the front and watched as Gabi walked down. Luke was trying to hold back tears, then I heard Calum and Ashton start to cry as well. I saw Michael laugh to himself, but he was teary too. Even Ally was crying a little bit. She did look very beautiful I supposed.
The next bit was a bit boring, it was all official, they did the boring vows, and I zoned out until their own written vows. 

"My darling Gabi. I remember exactly when you joined our school, because I had the biggest crush on you,"

Everyone laughed, but I thought that was really sweet.

"You and Julian came in, and we immediately knew you would be our best of friends. I am extremely glad all our friends are back together today to celebrate our love, especially because we have you all to thank. We were definitely lovey-dovey teenagers. It took a long time for us both to admit we wanted to be together, but all good things come to those who wait, and you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I hope I have shown you I am here for better or worse, in sickness and health, and that I truly do love and cherish you, and will forever,"

"Wow, that is much better than mine," Gabi said, letting Maddox dry her tears, "Mads, I feel like there are no words to truly express how much I love you. According to google, unconditional love is the strongest type of love, so think that but times a thousand. I knew you were the one when you saw me in hospital, with tubes coming out of every place there could be a tube, pale skin, literally on the brink of death, and still told me I was beautiful. You make my darkest nights, bright, Maddox, and I am so lucky that I get to call you mine for the rest of my life,"

Everyone clapped and cheered as they got to kiss, then they ran down the aisle holding hands and left the room, people starting to follow.

"Are you okay?" I asked Calum.

"Yeah! Just emotional,"

"It was a very pretty wedding,"

"It was. That is only the beginning,"

"Can you stay with me?"

"Of course,"

We linked arms and he led me out to a large reception area where people were mingling. Calum took us over to Ashton and Michael, and Crystal who was also very pretty. Ally and Axel joined us shortly, and I mainly rested on Calum's side listening in.

Gabi and Maddox went off to have photos,and gradually, they added more and more family. Luke and Sierra, Maddox's parents, grandparents, and then we all went out. They took some with Ally and Sierra, Ally and Axel, Gabi and all her uncles, every combination possible. Then, we went somewhere a bit further from the venue and I got included as it was a group one.

At first I had found it a bit unnerving that everyone loved each other so much, and that they were one of those families, which I knew was backwards but I didn't believe it could genuinely be real. I knew they weren't without any negativity, but I was starting to appreciate how much they did all care for each other. Everyone could lean on everyone.

"Everyone say cheese!" Maddox said, so we did.

"Everyone say congratulations!" the photographer said, so we did.

"I have one," Gabi said, "Everybody say Maddox is pregnant!"

"Maddox is... what?!"

"Oh my god!"



"Holy shit!"

Everyone started screaming and grabbing each other, so I stood out of the way, deciding to capture some of it on my own phone out of the camera shot. I thought maybe they would like that.

It was a beautiful moment. I was really happy for her. Really, I was. I was happy for all of them, because they loved everyone in their family so much.
But then it crashed down on me that not one single person had ever been happy for me, nevermind all of this.

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