To Be Or Not To Be

Start from the beginning

This can’t be good.

“He’s with Sapphire…Why?” 

“I want to talk to him about the boys.”

He took a breath, why does everyone want to talk about them? 

“Why do you want to talk about Floyd and Branch?”

“It’s about the rumors and…”


“How it might be hard for them to make friends.”

He eyes widen, “Why would-”

She gave him a sharp glare, cutting him off saying, “Because those rumors can affect how others preserve them and others associated with them!” 

He shook a little at her outburst. She then took a deep breath calming herself down, ”Sorry, I just don’t want them to suffer from those rumors.”

He still trembled a little, he never thought about it before but he understood what she was saying. He gave a timid smile “It’s ok, I want to help.”

She gave him a grateful look saying, “Thank you.”

“What do you have in mind?” He said he wants a proper plan before they tell the king anything.



“Who’s Felicia?” Branch asked after Flare (he thinks that’s his name?) left. Chenille just groaned, “It’s just dads and moms best friend. She comes over a lot, with Smidge.”

“Smidge?” he repeated, why do trolls keep coming to them.

“Her daughter.” Guy answered with a shrug, “They are both fun to hang out with.”

He doesn't care if they are fun to hang out with. He just wants to get away from the twins.

“Anyways!” Satin suddenly said, “Let’s finish up with Branch and move on to his brother.”

Floyd looked a little startled at those words, and as much as he wants revenge for Floyd not saving him, he doesn’t think Floyd’s injuries have healed yet. “I don’t think-” he tried to say something but Chenille cut him off. “Oh great idea!”

“No, not a great idea.” Guy quickly said, looking unimpressed as he stepped in front of Floyd. The two just looked confused at him, “Why not?”

“I don’t think makeup will help a face injury.” Guy said plainly. Satin and Chenille only seem to take that as a challenge. “We’ll see about that.” They said before working on him again, but unexpectedly Guy picked him up before they got the chance. He yelped in surprise.



“If you don't respect their boundaries I won’t respect yours.” Guy said simply before walking towards the entrance of the tent, carrying him bridle style. The twins looked furious, “We’re not done! Get back herer!”

Floyd tried to stop Guy from leaving with him and while also trying to make sure there was distance between Guy and Satin and Chenille, Poppy just watched looking very worried. Reminds him of when Floyd tried to break up a fight between John Dory, Spruce and Clay. “Guy you don’t have to-”

Floyd didn’t get the chance to finish before Guy slipped by and made it through the front entrance of the tent.


“That could work, let’s ask them tomorrow after we tell Peppy.” Flare said, once they finally have a plan.

“I hope they agree.” Felicia said concerned. 

“Me too.” He said, also concerned. This plan really depends on their friends agreeing. He really hopes that they don’t believe in those rumors. He was about to ask if their friends didn’t agree when suddenly they heard shouts coming from the king's tent.

“Guy you don’t have to-”

They turned towards the tent and saw Guy running out with a scared Branch heading towards them. 

When he got closer he tried to ask Guy what he was doing “Guy what are-” but he ran past them. Falica looked at him asking, “What was that about?”

“I don’t know but I should go get-” he tried to answer but a shout stopped him.


Satin and Chenille ran past them not noticing them and chased after Guy. Oh that’s why he was running. “I think that’s your answer Felicia.”


“Wait! Guys! Stop!”

Floyd came running after them but stopped when he noticed him and Felicia. He didn’t get the chance to talk before Floyd shoved Poppy into his arms half haphazardly, and continued running.

“Floy!” Poppy shouted after him.

He and Felicia looked at eachother, she pointed at the kids as if saying,’Should we go after them?’

He nodded his head, and then they both started running. He thought he could leave them alone for a few minutes. Apparently he is wrong, so much for the calmest babysitting.

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