Start from the beginning


"Aww! Do we have to!" Matteo whines as he tugs at the schools uniform. "We aren't even going to be there for more then three months so what's the point!" Y/n says, dramatically clinging onto the boy beside of her as she pouts and pleads while Hawks just smiles at the two who make his life brighter. "Nope! You have to go to school so you can get into a good high school. Besides, don't you two want to be heroes like your good old papa Hawks?" Hawks asks with animated hearts floating around his head.

The said hearts then shattering as Matteo responds. "Your not our dad. But..." He trails off as the e/c eyed girl (who was still clinging onto him) finishes his sentence. "You're a super cool hero though! I wouldn't mind, but don't you have to have a quirk to be a hero?" Hawks immediately shaking his head no with a smile as he pats the girls head. "Nope! All you need is a tough spirit. Besides, I could just recommend you two! Well it really depends on what hero school you would want to go to, as well as-" "We know old man." Matteo cuts Hawks off, holding back a smile.

"Me and Yu ha-" "I said stop calling me that." Y/n says, hitting Matteo on the back of the head as the boy replies with a hiss. Like a cat. 'What a weirdo. No wonder he's my best friend.' "As I was saying, me and Y/n were thinking about it, and ever since we discovered our 'abilities', we were looking at hero schools. Do you think we could go to UA?" Matteo says, Hawks being surprised about how forwards the boy was with his request.

"You sure about UA? I mean it's so far away from here! I won't be able to see my children as much!" "That's the point." "What?!" "Shut up Matteo." Y/n says with a small chuckle. "We want to go to UA because of its learning opportunities. There's that Sports Festival thing, and wasn't there a statistic we found?" The h/c haired girl asks, turning to the boy beside her, who was sulking about the girls previous words.

"I thought you told me to 'shut up'." Matteo says, pouting dramatically. "I'm sorry, now what was the statistic thing again." With another huff, Matteo finally complies. "It said that around 73% of students who get accepted into UA are pro heroes. The others are either sidekicks, or just die." The sapphire eyed boy shrugs. "Happy?" The girl beside him simply nods her head as she turns to Hawks.

"So could you maybe possibly put us in for recommendations at UA? We promise to visit you if we can!" Y/n says happily, Hawks then sighing as he nods his head. "You kids seem excited about it, so of course I will. You two better visit me though! I'll miss my children!" The two teenagers then get engulfed into a hug which Matteo immediately tries to break out to no avail.

"Oh right! School! Lets get going before you're late!" Hawks says, not bothering to let the duo go as he simply just picks them up and runs to the window, flying out of it. By now it was a pretty normal experience for the duo, Y/n sometimes getting a little spooked from the height. Ever since they fell from the sky, she's hated heights.

It wasn't long until they reached their new school, Bolero Junior High. Sadly. Hawks landed near the front, just to drop them off and say goodbye, then he was off. Leaving the two teenagers to fend for themselves. 'What a jerk.' The duo thought in unison, but both were pretty grateful that the man was able to get them into the same classes.

Throughout the school day, nothing interesting happened at all. Other then the negligent teachers and the students with too big of ego's, they were sure the school wouldn't be that bad. They even managed to make a friend. Mezo Shoji. Matteo insisted to the e/c eyed girl that the boy had multiple arms, but he seemed pretty normal so Y/n didn't really believe the statement.

And for the next 2 months, this was their routine, with skipping school occasionally to train with either Hawks or Mirko. They met the girl one day when Hawks was showing the teenagers around Fukuoka and immediately said she loved the children. It didn't matter, since the duo adored the white haired female as well. Matteo thought it was a shame his best friend couldn't see the woman's bunny ears though.

Eventually though, the 2 months had passed in a flash. The duo bulked up a bit, not by much visually, but if, 'the rabbit woman' as Matteo calls her, taught the two anything. It was that they were stronger. Way stronger. Currently, the duo decided to skip school to look for apartments that they could stay in while attending UA, and Hawks was helping. Or trying to at least.

"You two sure you want to go to UA? It's super far away y'know. I'm pretty sure the principal is a rat! Do you really want to be watched 24/7 during the sports fest?" And other things until Matteo put his hand over the blondes mouth. "Shut up, we're trying to find a place to stay, unless you want us living on the streets or something." And that immediately shut Hawks up as he started to actually help in finding an apartment for his 'children'.

"This one's perfect! Look it isn't even that much!"

"Hawks that's 58,000 yen a month!" (Around 400 US dollars)

"It's perfect!

After about another 3 hours of apartment hunting, they finally found a low budget apartment in Aichi that wasn't that much. The downside is that they would need to wake up earlier then normal so they could take the subway. Although Aichi is right next to Shizuoka, Musutafu is further to the south-east, which is further away from Aichi. Either way, it's a nice apartment building that isn't to far away from the subway station, so it all works out well I suppose.

After taking so long to find a place to stay, the group of three decided to watch movies before they fall asleep, which didn't take long. First Matteo fell asleep, then Y/n. After realizing the two children fell asleep, Hawks smiled down at the two before turning off the television with the remote and the lights with his feather. The blonde then holds the two 15 year old's just a tad bit closer before falling asleep.

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