Wipe Off That Makeup, What's In Is Despair

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Title Credit: The End - My Chemical Romance
⚠️TW‼️ self-harm, mentions of death
Today was the start of another shitty day. I didn't expect anything to get better. I wake up, eat a piece of toast, take a shower, and I do my hair and makeup. I was hoping to get out of my house before my dad catches me wearing makeup. I keep my fringe to the side and I put on some basic eyeliner. I try to put on my uniform, shoes, and bag in as fast as possible. Coincidentally, the moment I open the door, I hear a familiar voice.

"Y/n. Are you wearing fucking makeup? Go wipe that shit off. Now, or I'll beat the living shit out of you." my dad threatened.

I nod my head nervously as I go to the bathroom. This is why I didn't like my dad. He would be pissed off if I showed any signs of homosexuality. I quickly rub off my eyeliner and I rush out the door.

Today, school went by like any other day. But that wasn't a good thing. My school days consist of  being called an 'emo faggot', getting threatened, or actually getting beat up. None of the teachers really cared about that at my school. I expected the staff at prep schools to care more about bullying, but I guess that's not the case.

I went on with my day, trying to survive the crowded hallways. My next class was my only decent class. Art class. It was the only class I had with Gerard. In art class, I usually sat in the back so nobody could see my art.

As I walk into art class, me and Gerard lock eyes. I try to look away as soon as possible. Today in art class, we were completing self-portraits. My portrait was rather dark. It was a painting of me in chains, and my arms were covered in cuts. Since I had already started the painting, I didn't really care if I would get sent to the school counselor for it. The whole school knows what's wrong with me.
Even though we had 40 minutes of art class, I put effort within each brushstroke. Eventually, class ended and I finished my painting. As I left the class, Gerard saw me and exchanged a smile. I awkwardly smile back.

My next class was English. English is my least favorite class because it consists of jocks and cheerleaders. Every single one of them hated me.
"Oh my god guys. It's the emo faggot, Y/n! We better shut up before he slits his wrists!" Aiden said as a few snickers fill the air.

I stay quiet as I walked to my seat, fighting the urge to say something back. As I sat down, there was a knock on the classroom door. Our teacher stepped out of the classroom to talk with a staff. As I was sitting at my desk, I felt a paper get thrown at my head. I pick up the paper and my dumb-ass self decides to open it. The paper contained a drawing of me hanging from a noose. Gerard was also in the drawing, doing the same thing. I was confused because I would never see Gerard being suicidal. He's always so bright and happy—he even discouraged me to harm myself. On the bottom of the drawing, there was a caption that said; 'the two suicidal emo faggots.' I couldn't tell if I was angry or sad from the bullying.

"Y/n. You have to see Mr. Smith in his office." Ms. White said as she walks back to her desk.
I get up and I walk out of the classroom.

"Aww! Does someone need need to see a counselor for their wrist-slitting?" Thomas yells the moment I was closing the door.

I ignore the comment and I make my way to the counselor's office. As I'm walking to Mr. Smith's office, I run into Gerard.

"Hi." I state while awkwardly smiling at Gerard.

"Hi Y/n. You heading to Mr. Smith's office?" Gerard inquires.

I nod my head as we both continue to walk. Eventually, we arrive at Mr. Smith's office. I was wondering why me and Gerard were called to his office at the same time. Could it be that they found out about the incident from yesterday? My mind is currently a racecar. Gerard knocks on the door and Mr. Smith opens it. Gerard and I sit on the two chairs in front of Mr. Smith's desk.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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