The Delacours and the Gautiers

Start from the beginning

Students positioned themselves around a fountain, awaiting the arrival of the magical carriage pulled by majestic winged Abraxan horses, a breed known for their beauty and strength. The carriage landed near the fountain, and Madame Maxime emerged to greet each student, giving a brief introduction about the school. Upon reaching the estate's gardens, veteran students awaited them with fireworks and white rose petals that transformed into butterflies, guiding them to the grand main hall. There, the Selective Mirror examined the essence of each first-year, assigning them to one of the four houses.

There were about 40 first-year students, and it seemed that Madame Maxime had a knack for selecting students even before they arrived at the school. At the end of the grand reception event, each house had a total of 12 students. Surprisingly, Fleur and my mother were placed in Sereneblesse, the same house as Fleur's mother, Clemence.

During the first year, they studied about eight subjects. Some disciplines were exclusive to Beauxbatons, differing from Hogwarts. Among them were French Magic History, Magical Botany, Applied Astronomy, Enchanted Cooking, Defense Against Minor Magical Creatures, Language and Etiquette, and Elegant Enchantments, which focused on simple, graceful spells useful for everyday life. My mother excelled in French Magic History and performed very well in Enchanted Cooking. On the other hand, Fleur showed a natural aptitude for Defense Against Minor Magical Creatures but faced challenges in Language and Etiquette, a subject that involved studying other languages to communicate simply and charmingly with other wizards.

In the following years of Marguerite and Fleur at Beauxbatons, they continued to excel, both making the most of the opportunities offered by the enchanted palace. In addition to completing mandatory subjects, they engaged in various extracurricular activities. Despite being great friends, each chose different subjects. While my mother opted for the Star Divination Club, Alpine and Mountain Herbology, Enchanted Orchestra, and the Culinary Enchantment Club, Fleur, despite being quite delicate, showed interest in joining the Artistic Dueling Club, Acrobatic Flying Team, Defense and Healing Spells, and the Spell Breakers Club.

Later on, all these subjects, besides shaping their magical personalities, contributed to Fleur becoming one of the most well-known witches in France a few years later. She not only excelled in her activities but also fought for the rights of half-Veela individuals, seeking historical reparation in the wizarding world. Observing the development of the cousins, Madame Maxime was surreptitiously preparing them for the Triwizard Tournament that would take place in a few years.

Despite the cousins' different interests, the Gautier family's legacy still echoed through the halls of Beauxbatons. Each Gautier entering the school was a source of pride for Madame Maxime, as they all possessed unique talents and stood out as some of the best students in the institution. The family's legacy continued to flourish at Beauxbatons, and the cousins became heirs to this prestige.

Between Marguerite's third and fourth years, her twin brothers, Frederique and Louis, entered the first year and secured a spot in the same house as their sister and cousin. It seemed like some force was guiding them to the same house, as later on, Gabrielle Delacour, Fleur's younger sister, was also accepted into Sereneblesse. Frederique and Louis showed exceptional spellcasting abilities, later excelling in Defense Against the Dark Arts. The Veela family, as they were known at Beauxbatons, enjoyed great prestige, and everyone liked to be around them. Besides the natural beauty they displayed, this generation was notably more united than the previous Veela generations that attended the school.

In the beginning of the fifth year, defense subjects and the clubs that Beauxbatons offered began to attract the Veela family, drawing much attention from Madame Maxime and other faculty members. During my mother's fifth year, Fleur stood out even more as one of the most talented and respected students. Her exceptional magical ability and elegance made her a leader among the students. During that year, Fleur focused her studies on advanced subjects, including Advanced Transformation Spells and Magical Zoology.

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