The Lovers, Louise and Frederico

Beginne am Anfang

The food is very refined and light. During dinners, we hear enchanted nymphs, fairies, and coral singing, which makes the atmosphere very peaceful. In some parts of the palace, it seems like it never gets dark, only a very beautiful sunset. The view from my tower dormitory is breathtaking.

I think Mom would like to know that the Sorting Mirror chose me to be in Loyallicorne. Now each daughter is in a different house, forming a complete team of Veelas.

Many kisses, and I'm dying to see you,

The Youngest Sheep.

After hearing my great-grandmother's first-year letter from school, I was immensely intrigued about how the academy worked. My father used to mention the magnificence of Hogwarts, describing the castle, the personalities of each house, and fascinating stories with friends. I always marveled at him talking about the Whomping Willow, the astronomy tower, Gryffindor common room, the village of Hogsmeade, and, above all, the famous Quidditch. However, my mother never mentioned anything about Beauxbatons. She only guided me, saying that when the right time came, I would know.

She wasn't entirely ready, but when my curiosity about Loyallicorne blossomed, she explained to me that, just like at Hogwarts, students were sorted by a magical mirror. This mirror had the ability to reflect the true essence of each student, and each house had a unique characteristic. Sireneblesse was the house of the most beautiful, both inside and out, composed of noble and loyal hearts, and its emblem was a mermaid. Couragetaure was the house of the brave, independent, and ambitious, represented by a centaur. Griffeligence, the house of the intelligent, sensitive, and forward-thinking, had a hippogriff as its symbol. Finally, Loyallicorne was the house of lovers, pure, affectionate, and friendly individuals. Each of my great-grandmother's sisters was sorted into a different house: Madeline in Coutagetaure, Francine in Griffeligence, Clemence in Sireneblesse, and, finally, Louise in Loyallicorne. This made a lot of sense, considering their history and personalities in relation to the characteristics of the houses.

Next, she searched for a lilac envelope and told us that the previous information was just an introduction to show how Louise was the most loving among her sisters. In the Gautier family trunk, numerous letters with mundane details from Louise were plentiful, and Rose kept them all with great care.

Gautier Hills, December 30, 1943

Dear Diary,

There are things beyond our control, and love is one of them. Since I met Frederico, my life has gained vibrant colors; I can appreciate even the small wonders around me. Even when I'm not by his side, longing doesn't dim my view of the world, and the colors remain vivid in my eyes.

After a long period without writing, I found a moment of tranquility in the Gautier Hills before returning to Beauxbatons. Writing helps me organize my thoughts, as if I were talking to an old friend capable of understanding my concerns and keeping my secrets.

Frederico... how can I begin to describe him? The mere mention of his name brings to mind his brown eyes, sun-kissed skin, his strong hands around my neck, and his fresh breath whispering my name with that captivating and melodious accent. I vividly recall the day I first saw him at the Palace, accompanied by two beautiful girls, radiant and smiling.

Frederico Castro was his name. When he entered the Great Hall on that first day, our gazes met so intensely that I felt my body tremble. An inner force compelled me to fight in every way to reach him. His seductive gaze, thick eyebrows, and unique charm left an indelible mark on me. I found out we would share the same classes, news that ignited hope within me.

Unlike other schools, Brazilian students completed their studies in eight years; the last year at CasteloBruxo was dedicated to specializations, advice, and decisions about the future in the wizarding world.

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