~Chapter Two; The wrathful Plan; Komodo🥓~

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Hallooooo. I wanted to keep y'all entertained so another chapter. Even though there are, like, four people reading this recently. (thank you for reading anyway) I still can't decide Komodo's and Atlanta's ship name. Kolanto? Atmodo? KASLANTO? Yeah. Idk. Comment what you think.

Komodo swirled around a bit too late. He saw Atlanta shooting across the arena and then BAM he collapsed to the ground, held back by unusual strength in the dragonet's arms. "GET OFF ME, YOU SUN OF A GUN" Komodo roared, pushing her underbelly with his hind legs.

"Dude, stop, you sicko! I'm telling you my plan!" Atlanta whispered, her voice smooth and cool, like ice cream on a hot summer day. "Oh? Your plan? Why, yes, knocking over an innocent SkyWing is a fabulous plan, thanks very much! I should make a scroll out of it! Atlanta's terrible plans; part 6. Knocking over dragons, going 75 miles an hour~" Komodo quipped haughtily. Atlanta poked his chest with a sharp hooked claw, causing Komodo to grunt. She didn't laugh, Komodo thought. Every dragon laughed at his jokes! Although, the pretty SeaWing seemed uncharmed.

"I can say the same thing for you. Bro, you can't be talking, you look like a lollipop someone dropped at the barber shop. The only thing going 75 miles an hour is your mouth and auditude, you smell like the moose pee perfume, and if you're going to have two faces at least make one of them pretty" She finished, grinning wryly at his awestruck face. "Get roasted! OOPS- Sorry, Mother says I can't burn trash, I probably couldn't find a roast dumb enough for you anyway, loser." Atlanta angled her wings to catch the sunlight. She glanced down at him. "Don't underestimate the quiet kid?" Atlanta suggested, shrugging. "So, here my my plan-"

"Your "PLAN" is to TELL ME HOW YOU ROAST SO GOOD. Also, I just DIDN'T admit that your roasts are good." Komodo uttered, squashing his laugh. This dragon was blazing. "Listen, yap head" Atlanta sighed impatiently. "My plan is that you kill me, WAIT, NO- I meant you PRETEND KILL ME-" "Dully noted." Komodo interrupted. "Bro, stop it. You're not funny. Anyway, I play dead, the SkyWing guards drop me in the cavern of dead dragons or whatever, and then you're pardoned into the Sky kingdom and freed, and then you rescue me before they set me on fire, next we team together and get Peril to free all the prisoners. And we fly into the sunset or whatever and escape."

Komodo narrowed his eyes until they were gold green-ringed slits between crimson and fiery orange scales, trying to follow this idealist, wild, hopeful, dragon. "You think I'll do that? All of the hopeful dreaming stuffed on a slim possibility? What's in it for me? Plus, Queen Scarlet will not free me, won't she? I would just keep battling until I die by the wrath of Peril's claws" Atlanta widened his eyes at him. "Very... descriptive. But no. What is in it for you, is that you go back to your house or cave or tunnels or whatever, and you fel good about helping us  escape . Also, I heard Scarlet chatting to Vermillion about setting the SkyWing prisoners free after two fights. So, you get freed immediately , save me so they don't set my body to flames, hide, then come back at the cover of the night, shrouding us, we get Peril, because I believe she isn't a bad dragon, she helps free the prisoners', and yada yada we live happily ever after. Phew." Atlanta informed him.

Komodo tipped his head at her, and flicked his tail, opening and closing his mouth, not knowing how to respond. "Is you're hearing as bad as your dad jokes and flapping jaw?" Altana brashly asked. The SeaWing let out a breath and straightened her spine. "OK. Yes. I admit. It's not as easy as it sounds, I know. But anything is possible, and you can go back to your home and- can  you just pretend kill me already?" Atlanta added, anxiously glancing at the SkyWings suspiciously leaning toward them, perking  there ears, murmured rumbling throughout the crowd. 

Komodo swiftly nodded, gawping. Atlanta closed his mouth with her tail wrapping around his jaws. Komodo forced himself up, with gritted teeth, feeling woozy because getting up to fast. The young SkyWing leaped at Atlanta, jaws gaping wide, a pool of teeth ready to slice and dice. He called the fire inside him.

Atlanta dodged as a spurt of flames blasted close to her ribs. She made a whirling movement to the closest tunnel, and rushed at him. They feinted and jabbed and grappled against the dusty sand, slashing at each other's chest. Red and green, blue and orange, gold and purple, clashing together, warm and cool, fire and water. The crowd roared, clapping their wings together, making pleased hissing noises. It was fun fighting Atlanta, she had tricks that Komodo never would of thought about before. But he had to win in the end. 

Komodo launched himself at Atlanta, trapping her tail before she could forget about their plan and scurry away again. The vivid SeaWing glanced up, raising a talon to continue fighting, then something flashed in her eyes, reconization, like she remembered the plan.

Komodo pretended to press his claws into her throat, making it look like he was gouging his talons in her windpipe. With a strong, quick movement he make it look like he snapped her neck. Atlanta flopped her wings lifelessly, and closed her eyes, making them look blank and empty and distant like tiny stars evaporating in the dawn sky. She made a choking sound, went limp and closed her eyes.

Komodo thought it looked hilarious and kind of cute, and immediately wanted to kick himself for thinking that.

The crowed cheered anticipation, standing up in their seats, clapping and bellowing and booing and screaming. Some threw roses and a bubble-shaped plushies at him. Some threw tomatoes and popcorn kernels at him. Komodo stepped back from Atlanta's limp body, shaking his talons and wings out, snapping his claws, and yawned as if it was nothing.

Queen Scarlet ushered Vermillion to the front, her dark orange scales glimmering like a sunrise in the sunlight, her fierce yellow eyes piercing Komodo's soul. Vermillion hushed the yelping, hooting SkyWings and swept a talon down on him. 

"QUIET! QUIET!" Vermillion shouted from his place. "Congratulations, to KOMODO OF THE SKYWINGS!" The crowd clapped and cheered and grumbled. Suddenly, Komodo felt pride rumbled up from his chest and he grinned, waving. But something that he felt scared him, it was a voice whispered, WHISPERING, echoing from deep inside of him;  

Yes, me, ME, cheer for MEEEE. 

I'm the best.

I'm better than all of you fools.

Oh, dragons, beings, this is MY world now.

King Komodo

How delightful.

ACK, Komodo thought, glancing at Atlanta, memorizing the plan. CREEPY! Totally creepy! DEFITINTION OF CREEPY. Why would, me, of all dragons, think that?! His active mind murmured. 

Vermillion whooshed down, interrupting Komodo's train of thought. "So, Queen Scarlet mentioned to us in the Kingdom Meeting last night, that any SkyWing who win two battle can rejoin and be pardoned back into the Sky Kingdom. Queen Burn of the SandWings  said that she wants all the warriors and allies she can have." The Skywing prince glanced at Scarlet to confirm and verify it. She nodded, snorted a puff of smoke, and rolled her bright gold eyes. "So. Little dragon. Will you promise not to break the laws again, and fight by our side?"

"I do" Komodo replied, attempting to answer in a dignified voice. He felt the warm glow of the sun warm his scales and back and wings, bringing his true colors out. "Alrighty, then!" Prince Vermillion announced. "This dragonet is FREED!" The crowd boomed their opinions.

His mother was one of them. She stomped to the balcony throne and jabbed a claw on at Komodo. "YOU LOCKED HIM UP AS A PRISONER?! I WAS LOOKING FOR MY SON EVERYWHERE!" The crowd gasped at the crazy lady yelling at Queen Scarlet. They all turned to see Komodo and he felt his ears turning hot with embarrassment. 

Then, he spotted burley SkyWing guards flapping up, clutching spears, heading right till his Morning, his Mother. 

They spiraled upwards and snatched his Mother's shoulder. Komodo lurched forward. "NO! No, I can't be on my own. AGAIN." 

His Mother was being arrested. 

LET'S GOOO, 1402 words! 🎉✨ So, once again, if you have a suggestions or request, comment (please) and I hope you enjoyed. Peace! 🧤

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