Start from the beginning

Then suddenly...

"I gotcha' kids..." A man says, the two no longer falling, but standing on the ground. The man was breathing heavily, as if he just ran a marathon. "Are you okay?" The man asks once again as the two hesitantly open their eyes to look at the man, Matteo jumping a bit at the sight of the large, vermillion wings that were on his back.

"I-I think we're fine, Yu, are you okay? You're not hurt are you?" Matteo nervously says as he gently cups Y/n's face, checking her for injuries. "I'm fine, I'm fine, Matteo.. just, spooked.." The girl says, the two of them both breathing heavily. Their breathing drowning out the crows cheers for a man named 'Hawks'. They weren't paying attention to that however. Just each other.

"Hey kids, why were you that high up into the air? Was it a quirk malfunction? It was really dangerous, and you know your not allowed to use your quirks in a public space." The man, Hawks, says as he rests his hands on the duos backs, causing a look of confusion to flash through their faces.

"Quirks? What the hell is that?" Matteo asks as he grabs the h/c haired girls hand for reassurance. The boy still shaking from the events. "Woah, you sure got a tongue." The man says with a smile. "But you know what quirks are, 80% of the population has one." Hawks says, not noticing the look of confusion on the duo's face turn even more puzzled. "No, we don't know what that is. Are we supposed to know?" Y/n asks as she tilt her head to the side, looking around at the crowd. Everyone looked normal, other then the weird hair colors she saw.

Hawks blinks animatedly before smiling at the two once again. "It's alright kids, now where's your home?" The slightly taller male asks as he starts leading the two through the crowd and towards a police station?

"Uhm.. in Maine?" Matteo says. "The real question is where are we?" Hawks then stops walking as he look as the two children confused. "Maine? You mean Maine as in the United States? We're in Tochigi Prefecture Japan." The man says as the two kids look as each other, moving slightly closer to one another. 'Better safe then sorry..'

"How did you two get over here, and in the sky nonetheless?" The man asks as the small group of three stop Infront of a small police station. The question earning a small shrug from the girl and nothing from the boy, just his head looking to the ground. They looked confused and scared, especially the boy, so Hawks let it go as he carefully led the two into the building. There wasn't much, just a few chairs lining the walls, a small plant in the corner, and a desk in the center with two doors on either side. The lights were more orange then white, probably for more comfort. It didn't make the room anymore dark though, so it worked.

Hawks eventually tells the two of them to take a seat on the chairs lining the wall as he talks to the man in uniform at the front desk, so they do just that.

"Yu.. do you see what I'm seeing, because it's really weirding me out.." Matteo whispers to the girl next to him as she shakes her head. "If you're talking about the fact that we have no clue where we are, then no." She says, but gets an immediate response from the boy. "No, that guy has fucking, bird wings? And the guy at the desk has green skin.." Matteo whispers once again as the e/c eyed girl turns her head to look at him. "Matteo are you okay..? I don't see anything.."

"I swear Yu! Everyone here looks weird!" Matteo yells out before looking around and sighing. "I-I think I'm going crazy.." The boy murmurs as Y/n moves over on her seat slightly, patting the space beside her. "C'mon." She says as the boy immediately nods, sitting down next to her and resting his head on her shoulder. The girl gently resting her hand on top of Matteo's head, running her fingers through his hair to sooth him.

"It's gonna' be alright.. We'll be home before we know it.." The h/c haired girl whispers with furrowed brows, unsure if the statement she said would become a reality.


Turns out that the two were held up in that police station for 4 hours, Matteo taking a nap for the majority of their time there. As for Y/n, she after 2 hours, eventually fell asleep as well, her head resting on top of Matteo's as the two simply rest there. If anyone were to walk by, which plenty of people did, they would've thought they were either siblings, or the fine example of young love. Mostly the latter though, as they didn't really look identical with Y/n's h/c hair and e/c eyes, while Matteo has raven hair and sapphire eyes.

Anyways, it hits 10:30 and Y/n wakes back up due to someone tapping her shoulder. As she looks up, she sees the blonde haired male from earlier that caught them. "Hey kid, do you wanna' stay with me until we can get you back home? Your friend can stay too, I don't mind." Hawks says with a small smile. "Uhm, I would have to ask him first, if he would want to stay with you," Y/n says as she gently taps Matteo's shoulder.

"Matteo, hey wake up.." The girl whispers into her best friends ear as he gently stirs awake. "Huh..? Yu? Hey, what do you need?" The black haired boy asks as he sits up straight before seeing the winged man. "Oh.."

"Matteo, do you want to stay with him until we can get back home? I trust him." The h/c haired girl says as Matteo, after a few seconds, groggily rubs his eyes and nods his head. "Hmm, yeah sure.." "Great," The man says, his smile growing slightly larger as he quietly urges the kids to stand up and follow him, which they do after slightly stretching.

"My place isn't really near here though, so do you want me to fly you there, or just take the train?" Hawks asks, receiving 2 different responses. One being of nervousness, and the other being of confusion. "Wait, you said fly us there? How are you supposed to do that, unless they invented Jet Packs or something," Y/n says with a shrug as Hawks looks at her weirdly.

"With my wings? What do you mean how?" He asks before an idea flashes through his head. "Oh! Your quirk is that you cant see others quirks!" He says as if he struck the jackpot. "I still don't know what a quirk is." The h/c haired girl says, Matteo nodding his head to her statement. "Well-" The blonde starts, "A quirk is a supernatural ability that 80% of the population has. Like think of the really old superheroes, like Spiderman, The Flash, and any Marvel superheroes. It's just like that. Too bad marvel stopped making those sorts of things. I used to love them when I was younger."

"Huh? What do you mean? There's a new Marvel movie coming out next year. Wasn't it the Venom one?" Y/n asks, turning to her best friend who nods his head. "Yeah it's the carnage one. My dads getting a free early screening of the unfinished one." Matteo says as Hawks gives him a look. "Kids, that movie came out in what? 2021? That was ages ago." The hero says as the two kids look at each other, Matteo moving to hold the girls hand as always.

"What do you mean? Its 2020. The movie comes out in the summer." Matteo says as Hawks replies. "Kids, the years 2180, are you guys alright?" Hawks asks as he turns his head to see the duo had stopped walking, just looking at each other in fear. "It.. it's 2180? Are you sure..?" Y/n asks, giving Matteo's hand a soft squeeze, which the boy returns.

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" Hawks asks as Matteo quicky regains his composure and smiles. "Nothings wrong with that, now where's your house again?" "Its in Fukuoka, not really near here. Come on, I'll just fly us there." Hawks says as he spreads out his wings and walks to the two and wrapping his arm around them.

"If I were you, I would hold on tight." And with that, Hawks flies into the air, leaving the duo shocked. One more then the other as they fly above the bright city, taking in the gorgeous view.

1902 words

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