Dinner with my friends! (M)

Start from the beginning

"You perfectly understand that I didn't call you because of some damn posters. Who even came up with them?!"

"You did, Miss," I calmly replied.

"It's not true. Don't interrupt me, or I might lose my composure!" she approached me, and the penetrating gaze gained strength again." I missed you so much, no, not like that... Oh God..." Miss Jiu nervously fidgeted with the edge of her blouse and breathed heavily. It was evident that the monologue was clearly unprepared.

"When you left, I spent the whole day as if in a trance. I couldn't find my place. My apartment felt empty, as if all happiness had disappeared somewhere, leaving me only with sadness and loneliness. You left, and I lost any reason to live," Her voice trembled, trembled so much that my body refreshed itself with a new layer of goosebumps." I apologize for my words; I was really scared. This is entirely new for me, but now I can't live without it.

What she said became the last straw for her, and tears quickly began to flow.

Turning away, she took out the key from the door and placed it on the table.

"You have every right to leave," She said, her voice choked with emotion." But please understand, Yooh, you're not just a student to me. You've become a significant part of my life, and the thought of losing you is unbearable. I never expected to feel this way, but it's the truth.

Her words were still processing in my mind; too much had happened, too much had been said. But what she said wasn't false, and therefore, it wasn't that simple. This woman had forever ensnared me in her webs, knowing the potential consequences that could arise from it. I stood behind her, watching as her shoulders trembled, as her hands searched for something in an utterly empty drawer. I couldn't be angry with her; my only programmed function regarding her was to love.

I couldn't deny the sincerity in her words, and the vulnerability she displayed struck a chord within me. As she fumbled in the empty drawer, it became clear that beneath the authoritative exterior was a person wrestling with their own emotions.

In that moment, a surge of empathy overpowered any lingering uncertainty. I moved closer, placing a hand on her shoulder, offering a silent reassurance. The weight of the situation hung in the air, and I found myself torn between the role of a student and an empathetic companion.

"I never expected this, Yoohyeon," she whispered, her voice strained with a mix of emotions. "I know I shouldn't burden you with my feelings, but I can't help it. You've become such an essential part of my life."

As I pressed against her, I felt the familiar warmth again; her heavy sigh hung doomed in the air. Turning to face me, Miss Jiu hugged me tightly, as if afraid of losing me, her lips whispering my name, her hands caressing my back again through the thin fabric.

"I love you," I said, looking into her eyes.

Her passionate gaze immediately disarmed me, pinning me in place, not allowing me to move. Her lips dug sharply into mine in a demanding, searing kiss. With a strong push she pressed me to the edge of the table, removing all the papers from it. The papers neatly laid out on the smooth surface flew down.

I realized that now the dominant role belonged to her. Her hands slowly began to creep under my blouse, and my extended moan echoed through the room.

"Jiu... Wait," I said gasping, but the woman's hands began caressing my breasts even faster. I gripped the edge of the desk and threw my head back.

My breath hitched as she continued to explore my body, and I felt my skin heat up with anticipation. Every nerve in my body was alight, and I wanted more. I wanted to experience the pleasure for so long. Her hands moved to the waist of my jeans, and she quickly undid the button. She continued to trace her fingers along my skin, and I felt my body quiver from the pleasure. I heard her whisper my name as she continued to explore my body, and it felt like my entire being was alight with pleasure. I felt her lips brush against my neck, and my body yearned for her touch. I wanted her to fill me up and make me feel alive. I wanted her to make me forget everything else and just focus on the present moment. She slowly began to move her body on top of mine, and I could feel every curve of her body against mine. I groaned and wrapped my arms around her, wanting to feel her closer. I felt her lips against mine, and I was lost in the sensation of pleasure that I had never known before. I was in a state of pure bliss, and I never wanted it to end.

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