A House of Hijinks

Start from the beginning

The look on her face is severely unimpressed, and just like that there goes the idea of Christening the bedroom early.

"In retrospect it probably was a poor joke on my part." I grovel with the sweetest tone I can muster as I hold my hands up. "And every box we got was the same. I didn't want it to get mixed up with the living room or kitchen stuff. Imagine asking to pass the salt and lo and behold, the lube's there." I attempt to joke dramatically as her brow arches up and her stare bores into me. I lean against the unit and eye her up and down. "Are you genuinely angry or are you trying to turn me on? Because it's working."

She rolls her eyes and fights off a smile. "You're a dog." She accuses lightly as I watch with bated breath when she slides the box across the marble floor towards me. "You're lucky my Mother didn't see that. Imagine our first night in our new home and you're spending it in a spare room."

"You wouldn't!" I gasp as I play along.

"Oh, I would." She goes for stern, but there's too much affection shining out her eyes for it to hold any weight. "Now hurry up and pack this stuff away, honey."

I pout my lips. "Aren't you going to help?"

She juts her thumb over her shoulder and sighs. "I'm halfway through 'kitchen shit'." I smile fondly as she checks her watch. "Rendezvous in a hour?"

"We wouldn't be having this issue if you'd just let me pay for the movers to do everything." I whine as she smiles endearingly. "We could've been having a romantic lunch right now instead of slaving away." I gesture to the clothes laid out on coat hangers ready to be distributed into their desired spot. "Do you even know how much clothes I have? It's killing me."

"I realised just how much when I saw box number six of 'Izzy's mega slays'." She laughs and nudges said box with her foot. "And you know I wanted us to do this bit together. Makes it more personal."

"Doesn't get more personal than unpacking the sex box together." I purr with a quirk of my brow as she bites her lip and looks to the ground. I tilt my head as I observe her dimpled smile. "I can see you're dying to laugh."

Her eyes meet mine as her smirk grows and grows. She lightly taps the frame of the archway. "Right, I'm off back downstairs."

"I'll miss you so much!" I call out to her retreating form.

"I'll miss you too, baby!"


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It's been dark for a while now, but I have no idea what time it is. It's felt like we've been sorting our things out every minute of the day and there's still a thousand things to do. I wouldn't trade it for the world though, especially as we've ended up with our backs against the bottom of our newly assembled bed, with our legs outstretched and quietly sharing a takeaway pizza, trading soft lovesick giggles every time our eyes meet.

everybody's watching her, but she's looking at you (Leah Williamson au)Where stories live. Discover now