Downstairs, she opened the umbrella, but the handle unexpectedly split into two halves. There were not many cars at this time. After waiting for more than ten minutes, she caught a late-night bus. She got off in front of the pet hospital and ran in quickly.

She called Huo Junxian in the lobby, "I'm here. Where are you?"

"Third floor," Huo Junxian's voice was hoarse.

Gu Siyu closed the umbrella, shook off the rainwater, and hurriedly went upstairs to find her. Huo Junxian was standing in the corridor, and the hallway lights were not on. It was dark behind her, and Huo Junxian said, "It's still doing acupuncture therapy."

Gu Siyu made a sound of acknowledgment. The clinic room door was closed, and she was about to push it open to take a look when Huo Junxian stopped her, saying, "Xiao Yu doesn't like others watching its leg treatment. Let's wait outside."

Gu Siyu withdrew her hand, and she could hear one or two dog barks.

The two of them stood in the corridor for a while. Gu Siyu crossed her arms, took two steps, then came back to lean against the railing, saying, "It'll be fine; it'll recover quickly."

"Yeah," Huo Junxian's voice was very soft, as if this one word was all she could say.

The hospital at this time is very quiet, except occasionally hearing one or two sounds of small animals. Unable to hear other human voices, the breathing of the two people is very quiet. In the meantime, Gu Siyu glanced at the time, then went to look at Huo Junxian.

"Did you come alone?" Gu Siyu asked.

Huo Junxian nodded. She didn't explain how she came, nor did she mention anything about Teddy. She was wearing a pink nightgown, looking fragile, hugging herself with folded arms.

At this moment, she looked quite sexy, but Gu Siyu couldn't appreciate it here. She took off her coat and covered Huo Junxian's shoulders, saying, "The sleeves are wet, but I tied a knot."

When clothes are just taken off, they can be a bit cold. Fortunately, the lingering summer warmth isn't too exaggerated. Gu Siyu couldn't help it; she draped the clothes over Huo Junxian, stepped back, wanting to say something to comfort her. However, she couldn't find the right words. In the end, she looked towards the closed clinic room door.

Huo Junxian pressed her hands on the coat, absorbing the warmth from it. Gu Siyu's peripheral vision caught her movement. After hesitating for a moment, she walked over to Huo Junxian, hugged her shoulders, and gently patted them, saying, "It's really okay. It'll get better soon, believe me."

Huo Junxian lowered her head, made a faint sound of agreement with a hoarse voice, showing a sad expression on her face. She lifted her eyelashes briefly, then lowered them again, looking as if she could burst into tears in the next moment.

Gu Siyu continued patting her.

After half an hour, the door opened, and the doctor, removing the gloves, came out to talk to Huo Junxian. Teddy was lying on the table, looking much less energetic than the day before, lacking the liveliness it had while picking up twigs.

As soon as Huo Junxian entered, Teddy barked at her. Gu Siyu went in to comfort it, telling it that Huo Junxian would come to hug it after the talk. However, Teddy kept barking, its voice low and sickly.

Gu Siyu picked Teddy up and walked over to Huo Junxian. Teddy stretched its head to lean on Huo Junxian's shoulder.

The doctor said, "You take care of it quite well, but at its age, some health issues are unavoidable. With the changing season, the temperature is erratic. Be more careful in the future. Do physical therapy a few times a week. I'll give you some medicine. Let it rest for now."

Gu Siyu said to Teddy, "Did you hear that? Your mom is getting medicine for you."

Teddy continued to nuzzle Huo Junxian's arm. She held Teddy in her arms, and it tried to climb her, but its legs hurt, and it could only move a little. They went downstairs with the medicine, and Teddy lay quietly on the sofa.

Huo Junxian drove here by herself.

Gu Siyu sat in the driver's seat, the autumn rain was still pouring, the car reached the road, and the traffic light's colors spilled on the car window.

This scene, just like in a dream.

The car stopped downstairs, and Gu Siyu walked over with an umbrella to open the car door for Huo Junxian. She brought Huo Junxian to her own home.

Inside, she turned on the lights and took Teddy from Huo Junxian's arms, placing it on the sofa. She told Huo Junxian, "Go take a shower. The nightgown is in the bedroom."

Huo Junxian took out the clothes, asking, "Is the little bird still at your place?"

Gu Siyu nodded.

"Have you decided to raise it?"

Gu Siyu hesitated for a moment. Huo Junxian stood at the bathroom door for a while, and Gu Siyu didn't say anything. Huo Junxian went into the bathroom to take a shower.

Teddy might be drowsy from the medicine, lying on the sofa and quickly falling asleep. Gu Siyu rubbed its head. When animals are sick, just like humans, they go through a phase of low spirits.

Hopefully, the autumn rain will stop soon; it's becoming a bit annoying.

Gu Siyu leaned against the sofa, took out her phone, and searched for "lifespan of thrushes." Looking at the numbers on the screen, she did a little calculation. By the time Huo Junxian came out, she said, "I boiled some hot water; you should drink that cup of Banlangen(note: a chinese herbal medicine)."

Huo Junxian agreed with a hoarse voice. Gu Siyu reminded her, "Don't be too hasty. After drinking it, lie down in bed." Gu Siyu went to take a shower. Fortunately, she had replaced the water heater before. Otherwise, taking a cold shower now would be tough.

Gu Siyu pinched her brow bone, showering her neck with the showerhead. She felt a bit dizzy. She would also need to make herself a cup of Banlangen later when she went out.

After showering, drying her face, and drinking hot water, Huo Junxian was already lying down in the room.

Huo Junxian lay with her head on the pillow, sleeping on her side. Gu Siyu slept on the other side. She didn't lie down; instead, she sat up, tilting her head to look at Huo Junxian, pulling the blanket up over her. She asked, "Did you cry last time because of this?"

Huo Junxian didn't say anything.

Actually, you could tell that Teddy was quite old. Their age changes faster than humans. They jump around, lively and playful, but the unavoidable passage of time will gradually age them. However, they choose to selectively ignore this fact, not mentioning death. Asking about the age of a furry child in front of its owner is deliberately causing pain.

Gu Siyu didn't bring up this matter again. She lay down, which was within her expectations. But when this expectation was laid out in the open, it became an unbearable pain.

Turning over, placing her hand on Huo Junxian's waist, Gu Siyu softly said, "Sleep, I'll hold you."

She gently patted her, soothing her like comforting a child. After a moment, the bed slightly swayed, and Huo Junxian turned to her side, her voice very soft and weak, almost inaudible, "I'm scared."

Gu Siyu didn't say anything; she just moved forward. On this rainy night, she hugged Huo Junxian tighter.


Translator's note: Wuwuwuwu... Xiao Yu, you have to survive 😭. Huo Junxian will be so sad if something happens to you.


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