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"Black magic leaves a permanent stain on the soul forever tainting those who engage in its wickedness".

Sam eyes open,blue eyes shining like pearls,streched her hands,took a step out from bed.taking steps ▶️ wash room.

"Spencer concerned" How are you Judith, are you okay? I heard what happened yesterday, in the area near you,"with a concerned voice. Judith replied simply, "Yes, I'm fine. Accidents happen every single day, dude."

Few Minutes passed,Madison stepping towards her with concerned voice and said, "Oh my, Judith darling, I heard what happened in the area near you. Are you fine? I was worried about you the whole night."

Judith turned agressive gaze replied, "Yes, I'm fine." Madison asked, "Did I say something wrong, my dear?"

Judith on low voice , "Sorry, I was just frustrated about people over-concerned. Like they all forgot I'm not the one who got in the accident, or that the van fell 5 feet near me by blowing up." And so it began, another day in the drama-filled lives of Spencer, Judith, and Madison.

{ Truth is Judith is concerned about attention she got so early than she expected like she knew she had to take a step back in her revenge because if she had kill any one more people may supspect her or started creating rumors.}

Madison looked at Judith with concern in her eyes, her voice barely above a whisper as she suggested, "Hey Judith, you really shouldn't have to speak like that. These town people are so suspicious, they will start to suspect you. My town people are always overdoubtful. You have to learn to keep your emotions in check until you get used to the way things work around here."

Inside, Judith thought to herself, "Yeah, these town people are really that stupid and over-doubtful. They killed my mother over their paranoid suspicions. They never realized that their suspicions were the reason she's gone. Now they're going to be the ones digging their own graves in this town."

As she stepping towards motel room,walking here and there over over, clenching her first,hit the wall,luckily no one saw her keep stepping forward ⏩ town people mysterious staring at her,Inner voice:-"Wow! rumours started so quickly."

But suddenly her uncle words hit her mind: "You can seek help from your mom's friend, a powerful practitioner of Indian black magic. Her daughter, named Nandhu, is also skilled in these arts."

(Nandhu, who was a young and gifted Indian practitioner, 27 years old)
Turning pages from book,in middle little slip placed on it.took the slip out,holding mobile other hand, dialing...faced front camera.

(Nandhu here she is her Indian freind she sent all of her details about black magic in email

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(Nandhu here she is her Indian freind she sent all of her details about black magic in email.)

( Sam expresses her thanks to nandhu in return she also shared her French spells and wished best of luck on her mother revenge finally instructed her french spells and potion making details to nandhu both expresses best of luck to each other. )
Then they started some funny chat

REVENGE OF THE WITCH:HARBINGER OF DEATH Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora