Part 5: Bonding and Battle in Tokyo

Start from the beginning

"Ouch!" Matthew whispered as He stood Back Up,Onto his Feet,And,Stared at Godzilla,Who was Still There,In Front of Him,Watching Him.

Matthew stopped Looking at Him,For a Minute,as He looked at Himself,Seeing How Full of Saliva,That,He was.

"Ew,That's Gross," Matthew murmured to Himself as He yanked Some of the Saliva Off of his Hand,Before,Turning Back to Look at Godzilla.

That was When.

Godzilla,Then,Roared,Ferociously,In Matthew's Face,Like a Commanding Tone,as Matthew put his Hand on his Ears,From the Loud Roar.

Once Godzilla stopped Roaring,Matthew took his Hands Off his Ears as Godzilla Growled,Slightly,Seeing Him,Not doing,What He had Ordered.

"Okay,Whatever That Meant," Matthew stated,Snootily,as He,Just stood There,Crossing his Arms.

Godzilla narrowed his Eyes at Matthew as He lifted his Finger,And,Used a Little Bit of Force,Pushing Matthew Off of his Feet,Back onto his Behind,Pretty Much,Forcing Matthew to sit.

"You want Me to stay Put?" Matthew wondered,Guessing,That,That was,What He was Saying,Considering that Godzilla had just pushed Him Back to sitting Down.

Godzilla Huffed,Firmly,While,Glaring at Matthew,Confirming Matthew's Question,as He turned Around,And,Headed towards his Destination.

"Why does This Thing keep protecting Me?" Matthew asked Himself,Not getting,Why,Godzilla kept Sparing Him and Saving Him and Following Him.

 Matthew,Wanting to See,What was going to Happen Next,Got Up off his Behind,And,Ran Over to the Edge of the Building Roof,To Watch.

Godzilla stomped,Towards the Middle of Tokyo,as People,From on the Ground,Just Screamed and Panicked,Running Around,All Over the Place.

Back on the Boat.

The Three of Them were,Still Heading Back,To Castle Bravo.

"You Think,That,Godzilla is Really protecting a Boy in his Mouth,Right Now?" Mark questioned,Bringing the Question Up to Ilene,Wanting to know,If She really believed It to be So.

"I Think,It's a Possibility,If There is Any Chance,That,Serizawa is Right about Godzilla being the Key to Coexistence,Then,I want to be There to see It," Ilene replied.

"I'm starting to think,That,Madison wants to be There to See It,Too," Mark pointed Out.

"Heh,Well,She,Just might be There," Ilene added.

"Yeah,She,Just Might," Mark agreed.

Back in Japan.

Godzilla had Arrived,In the Middle of Tokyo,as He saw Rodan and Scylla,Already There,Bowing Down to Nothing,Almost like They were waiting for Something to Arrive,In That Very Spot.

"Why are They Bowing?" Matthew whispered to Himself as He watched Rodan and Scylla Bow,And,Godzilla stomp towards Them.

Godzilla Growled at the Two of Them as He motioned for Them,To Leave,With his Head,But,Rodan and Scylla Snapped Back at Him,Downright Refusing to Go.

Godzilla Huffed,Angrily,as He turned Back,To Look at the Tallest Building,Where He saw Matthew There,Watching.

"Why is He looking at Me?" Matthew asked Himself,as He stared at Godzilla,Who was,Still,Looking at Him.

Godzilla,Then,Moved his Hand to Cover his Own Eyes,Subtlely,Telling Matthew to cover his Eyes.

"He wants Me to cover My Eyes?" Matthew realized,as He looked at Godzilla,With a Confused Look.

Matthew shook his Head,'No' as He mouthed to Godzilla,That,He wanted to see.

Godzilla nodded,In Agreement,as He turned Back Around,To Face Rodan and Scylla,About to Fight Them.

Godzilla,Instantly,Acted,as He raised his Hand,And,Slashed Rodan to the Ground,Before,Turning Back to look at Matthew,To See,What He thought.

While,He looked at Matthew,Godzilla put his Hands on to his Hips as He stood Up,Proudly.

"H-He's Showing Off,Like He's,Trying to Impress Me. It's Cute," Matthew said as He stood There,On the Roof,Smiling at Godzilla.

As Matthew Smiled at Godzilla,Matthew gave Godzilla a Big Thumbs Up,While,He Smiled at Him.

Godzilla nodded,In Satisfaction,as He turned Over to Scylla,To Attack Her.

While,Godzilla was Stomping towards Scylla,Rodan rose Back Up,as He flew Up in to the Sky,Attempting to Blind Side Godzilla.

Matthew,Seeing Rodan get Up,Pointed to Rodan,Repeatedly,Hoping for Godzilla to see it,When He looked at Him,Again.

Godzilla looked at Matthew,Briefly,as He saw Him,Pointing to Behind Him,Urging Godzilla to Turn Around,To See Rodan flying Straight at Him,Trying to Attack Him,While,He wasn't looking.

Godzilla Growled,Angrily,as His Tail Spikes began to Glow Blue,One at a Time,In a Line,Showing Matthew,That,He was powering Up his Atomic Breath,Preparing to Burn Rodan.

That was When.

Scylla Ambushed Godzilla,From Behind,By Shoving Him Away from Rodan,Into One of the Big Buildings.

"Godzilla!!!!!" Matthew called Out,as He watched Godzilla fall,Into the Building,With the Building Crumbling Down,On Top of Him.

Godzilla King of the Monsters: Coexistence and CataclysmsWhere stories live. Discover now