- love intensifies -

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And it did. Someone told the gang, and now Oxzy lost his home. He was lost now, broken somewhere. All because of Milo, the sheriff who was supposed to save people.

The sheriff gritted his teeth, his knuckles turned a painful white due to how much he held them. His mind was cloudy, he could hear Adam try and speak to him. He was filled with rage, worry. Only one person could do this, it was that bastard Jayce.

Why did he trust him? He left him alone with Oxzy's location. He did something, that's why he's not here anymore. That sneaky brat!

Milo stood up fast, walked right past Adam and swung the door open. He found the other two men by the desk, they talked among each other, turning when they saw the sheriff leave. Jamisen stood by the door, standing up straight when he noticed Milo up and alert.

The sheriff turned his attention to his man. "I need you and group C to search for Oxzy."

Jasmine looked completely taken back, he shook his head in hesitation. "What? Group C are still looking for the grubs killer, why would we look for the hero-?"

"Nothing will be found by anyone. Oxzy is more important, don't talk back and get the men ready." Milo turned to the dressing room to tell the others the new arrangement.

Jamisen, huffed, reaching for the man, he held onto his wrist. "Milo! What the fuck are you thinking? I thought you were over the hero, we have more important issues then-"

"Do what I say or else you're fired." Milo glared at his back.

Jasmine stood, wide-eyed at the man. The man who was his friend, a brave and smart man. He had gone mad, this wasn't the Milo he knew. He was completely entranced by Oxzy, still.

He thought Milo was over him. Gave up on the hero.

But no.

Milo was full set on finding the hero, to do what? Was it just guilt? Was it pity?

It didn't really matter, the man was love sick. He was departing his duty as the lead sheriff for the station to chase after a man. A man who wasn't in love with him. He was almost as crazy as Pierce.

No, no one could be as insane as him.

Jasmine looked down, he didn't want to see his friend like that. He was embarrassing himself, losing all his control for Oxzy. Everyone in the station stared, the firemen were very confused. Adam almost looked concerned, the policemen who knew Milo could tell he was distracted. Busy with something.

The man let go of the sheriff, keeping his head low. He nodded. Milo huffed at him, turning back to his men to shout orders. Jamisen looked up with shaded eyes, watching as Milo stormed off.

All Milo was thinking about was the hero. The man he fell for who rejected him.

Where was he?

Was he safe...?

~The Grubs, Pierce's home~
The villain woke up to something warm on him. He felt very comfortable, his body was soaked in warmth, not even the cold air from the open roof could cloud him. He stirred around, it felt like someone was next to him. Well, on him.

He opened his eyes, seeing through a mess of curly black hair. The villain looked down to his chest, laying next to him was the curled up hero. The man was almost on his chest, laying on his side with his hands glazing Pierce's exposed skin.

The villain had his arms wrapped around his hips, finding that the hero was not wearing anything except the green shirt he gave him. He smiled lightly, it didn't seem to bother him that a man was in his bed. Nor did the memories of last night. The hero of course wouldn't leave, he had nowhere to go.

' Broken Image ' (boyXboy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang