35- Sugaya's accident

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This might be the most weirdest chapter I have done

Okuda and Karma were working on a new poison to use on Korosensei once more during lunch.
"Use something to make it smell like strawberry milk! Korosensei will think it's just mine and he won't suspect a thing." "Sure! I'll get on with that!" They both work together very synchronously and so far nothing wrong has happened. Suddenly Sugino shouts "HEEEEELP!!! WHY IS OKAJIMA CHASING ME!!!!!?????" The two look outside and Okajima's bloodlust emanates even from the window, scaring off both of them. "KARMA... WHAT IS THAT..." Karma laughs and shouts "I WANNA SEE WHAT'S HAPPENING!!" They both run outside while Sugino screams for his life.

The moment they run outside, Sugaya checks around every classroom. "Guys!! If there's anyone here, where's Mimura's camera bro?! I know he kept it here somewhere!!" Little does he know everyone was actually outside watching, even Korosensei and the teachers and they didn't even do shit (Karasuma was forced to watch as Korosensei begged him to see the results). Sugaya checks the room where Karma and Okuda were making the poison. He was about to leave when he sensed the scent of strawberry. He saw the strawberry milk carton sitting there sealed and full with liquid (He doesn't realized the two put the poison in that way). He immediately takes it and after finding Mimura's camera, he runs back outside as the action continues to proceed. "DUDE WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG!?!" Before Sugaya responds, he shouts "HEY KARMA!!" The others were still watching but Karma turns anyways. "What's up 'Sue-a-g... BOY IS THAT..." Sugaya laughs and as he puts the straw in, he shouts "THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR SENDING THAT STUPID PICTURE OF ME!!!" He immediately drink all of the juice and as Okuda turns due to Karma's strong reaction, she screams "AAAAAAAA SUGAYA DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DOOOOOON'T!!!" He swallows and asks. "What's wrong?" Sugino notices and swiftly dodges while tripping Okajima "WHAT HAPPENED?!" Okajima shouts "YOU PRICK!!" Nakamura shouts "OOH OK NOT THE ELEGANT DODGE!! Aren't you impressed Kanzaki???" She covers her face "Can you guys stop referring to me when Sugino does something I beg of you...?" Kayano responds "I'm sorry but now you know how it feels when others tease you ESPECIALLY WHEN I HAD SUCH A BAD CHANCE CUZ OF HOW DENSE HE WAS!!!" Kanzaki whispers "You're so lucky he actually is dense because he didn't even hear and if I was a bad friend I'd snitch." Kayano gasps loudly and Hara shouts "GUYS NOT NOW SOMETHING JUST HAPPENED AND YOU GUYS ARE STILL IN YOUR OWN LITTLE WORLD..." Sugaya is still frightened as Karma and Okuda stare in anxiety and fear. Karma breaks the silence "My guy... that wasn't actual strawberry milk... that was a trick we prepared for Korosensei..." Sugaya drops the carton. "What the hell... did I just drink....?" Okuda nervously answers "It's... a p-poison we made... as a k-killing attempt..." The whole class grows quiet, including the teachers. Both Korosensei and Sugaya shouts "I'M/HE'S GONNA DIE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Sugaya falls down panicking and Korosensei rushes to Okuda "WHAT WAS IN THE CARTON?? WHAT CAN I USE TO REVERSE THIS???" She panics shortly after "SIR IT WAS SPECIFICALLY FOR YOU I'M NOT SURE WHAT KIND OF EFFECT IT HAS ON HUMANS... I EVEN USED A SAMPLE FROM YOU SO I HAVE NO CLUE!!!" Eventually Sugaya stops shaking. Yada asks "Sugaya... are you ok?" She steps closer and Kimura jumps over and pushes her "MOVE!!!" Sugaya was about to bite her but as Kimura pushed her, he begins to bark loudly.

Nakamura laughs "HAHAHAHAHA SO SUGAYA IS AN ANIMAL NOW?!?!" Okuda nods shamefully "It appears so... he's responding like a dog as you can see, but I've noticed he randomly acts and behaves like any other animal in general. Watch." She throws some chicken food on the ground and Sugaya immediately switches position from dog to chicken and begins bashing his face on the floor whilst consuming the food. Nakamura laughs harder and Karma is trying his absolute hardest not to laugh because he thinks it will make Okuda feel guilty for leaving the poison unsafe. Isogai covers his mouth in shock and Maehara smirks trying not to laugh. Nagisa is absolutely dumbfounded and Terasaka states "Oh my..." Itona breaks the frightened atmosphere as he pulls out his book and begins writing. Chiba notices and asks "Itona? What are you writing th- IS THAT YOUR DAMN NOTEBOOK ON HOW TO MAKE IT AS A COMEDIAN?!???! ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW!!!" Muramatsu and Yoshida laugh hard and Hazama shakes her head. Fuwa taps Mimura's shoulder and states out loud "Okuda try blowing on him what will it do?" She is confused and blows anyways, making him switch position and flaps his arms insanely like a butterfly. Kurahashi shouts "OH MY GOSH HE'S A BUTTERFLY!!!" Okuda opens her mouth in disbelief and Karma covers his face as Mimura, Fuwa, Nakamura, and Okajima laugh hard. Sugaya's arms hit Nagisa in the face as he was flapping and Nagisa shouts "OW!!! MY NOSE!!!" Karma couldn't hold it in and starts to burst out laughing. Some laugh while some still remained worried. Terasaka shouts "DUDE OKUDA IS FOR REAL PLAYING AS THE MAD SCIENTIST WITH HER OWN LITTLE LAB SUBJECT!!" Itona states "All she needs is a mindless hunchback. Get in there Terasaka." He shouts "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" Some laugh more but eventually Okuda shakes up and Karma immediately stops laughing as he saw her looking ashamed. Nagisa notices and uses the clap stunner while they were all unaware of what was going on. Everyone turns to him at shock and Nagisa looks back at Karma and Okuda "You guys want to say something right?" Nakamura shouts "OOH OK NOT NAGISA WITH THE CLAP STUNNER OK PROFESSIONAL ASSASSIN!!!"

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