23- Spoopy spooky (Halloween)

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Nagisa wakes up slowly. He is found in the 3-E classroom in the middle of the night. He gets up and walks around. There he finds the class where Korosensei teaches. Except. All of the students are hidden in the shadows... all collapsed. Suddenly, Nagisa starts noticing something. A snake slithers around him and says quietly "I've eaten all of your family and you're next." Nagisa shouts "AAAAAAAAH WHAT?!" The snake gets off and laughs at him. "Nufufufu looks like I got you good!!" "Huh" It turns out that snake was Korosensei's tentacle. "Hi sir. And uh... also... why is your costume.. just an octopus costume..?" "Why?! Oh Nagisa my boy! IT'S HALLOWEEEEEEEEENNN!!!" Nagisa is left dumbfounded as he says "What..." The lights turn on and everyone is suddenly wakes up. But they're seen with Halloween costumes as the light helped Nagisa see better. However. Nagisa finally noticed what he wears. He screams "AAAAAAAAAAAAH WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!?!?!?!?!"
All students and their costumes
Nagisa- Maid
Kayano- Angel
Karma- Devil
Okuda- Witch
Sugino- Frankenstein
Kanzaki- Creepy Doll
Isogai- Mummy
Okajima- Clown
Yada- Doctor
Maehara- Cowboy
Kataoka- Princess
Okano- Gorilla
Nakamura- Pirate
Kurahashi- Stag Beetle
Kimura- Ringmaster
Mimura- Scarecrow
Terasaka- Lion
Fuwa- Goku
Sugaya- Tin Man
Chiba- Werewolf
Hayami- Vampire
Hazama- Nun
Muramatsu- Genie
Hara- Ballerina
Takebayashi- Ghost
Yoshida- Alien
Ritsu- Monster
Itona- Robot
Korosensei- Octopus

Yada is shaking as she says "So I'm a doctor in this... wow..." Isogai and Maehara laugh while Maehara says, "Meanwhile I'm a cowboy HAHA AND ISOGAI'S SOME BROKE ASS MUMMY. TOILET PAPER POVERTY!!!" Isogai yells at Maehara MAEHARA SHUT UP!!!

Okano screams "I AM NOT A GORILLA WHAT THE HECK?!?!" Kurahashi laughs while saying "Hey at least we can both be animals!" Okano sighs while saying "But at least you enjoy being a stag beetle. Me a gorilla out of all things though... AND KATAOKA GETS TO BE A PRINCESS!!" Kataoka states "It's alright but personally this dress is way too extravagant..."

Fuwa shouts "KAMEHAMEEEHAAAAAAAA!!!" Kimura sighs while saying "Fuwa really got the Halloween costume she wanted..." Nakamura laughs while saying "Hey I like being pirate. You can bet your ass I'm gonna be pickpocketing everyone. And what are you supposed to be, a ringmaster?" Kimura confusingly tells her "Um I guess so.."

"So I'm wearing a ballerina costume... it looks more chilling though rather than elegant... it actually scares me." Ritsu states through her phone "You look more like those ballerina dolls on those old music boxes. Seems fitting for the scary theme." Itona states "Yeah but then there's Okano with a gorilla outfit." In the distance they hear "SHUT IT ITONA!" Ritsu states "As for you Itona you look nice in your robot costume. It fits you." Itona simply says "Yeah sure. And what about you. What is that." Ritsu comments "I'm not sure but I think for today I'm modified with a monster costume." Hara comments "It looks cute!"

Sugino yells "KANZAKI YOU LOOK SO NICE BUT AT THE SAME TIME SCARY!!!" Kanzaki comments "All I really had was just some kids costume and makeup. Amazing how something like that can really change my look. I like your Frankenstein costume though." Sugino had died for 3 seconds but recovered as he states while tearing "Thank you...I personally didn't like it but...you brought my confidence back.."

Sugaya laughs hard "HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA OKAJIMA'S A CLOWN!!" Mimura laugh too "HAHAHAHAA LOSER!!" Okajima shouts at them "SHUT UP YOU GUYS!!! MIMURA IS LITERALLY A SCARECROW AND SUGAYA YOU'RE THE TIN MAN. Y'ALL ARE THE WIZARD OF OZ IDIOTS!!" Sugaya states "Woooow so rude." Mimura questions "Wait so where's the lion" Okajima points "HI TERASAKA" All they heard next was just Terasaka screaming.

Chiba and Hayami are standing next to each other. Chiba states "Vampire is it?" Hayami comments "Yeah." They start going back and forth. "I like it. Suits you." "Thank you. Werewolf is it?" "Pretty much. Not sure why tho." "You look cute." "Wow thanks". They pause for a few seconds and get nervous after realizing what they've said. Chiba stops the delay stating "You'd have looked funny if you dressed as a cat giving how much you like them. You really make the cutest faces." Hayami states "Oh shut up." She turns away. But she starts to fidget nervously thinking 'He really had to see those pictures...but he called me cute...' She comes back stating "Well like I said the werewolf outfit suits you. And especially your eyes. I know you'll hide them but your eyes definitely suit the theme. It really looks beautiful." Chiba states "My eyes aren't even that cool. All they do is just scare everyone." He turns away. But he starts to fidget nervously thinking 'Now I regret ever showing my eyes... but she really accepted my eyes despite their intensity and she even complimented them...' They suddenly hear a shout from Okajima "OH MY GOD CAN YOU TWO JUST GO ONE MINUTE WITHOUT CONSTANTLY FLIRTING?!??"

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