6- Study session (with Maehara)

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Another study session was planned by Maehara this time in his apartment. Isogai was already there as the two wait for Kataoka and Okano. As they wait they talk for a while together. Isogai tells Maehara "Maehara I know I said I was gonna join in studying with you all but I'm going to have to leave early today sorry it's kind of important." Maehara nods and says "Oh alright that's cool. Is it a family issue or something?" Isogai shakes his head. "No it's nothing too serious but I still need to get home early for today." Maehara nods again. Isogai changes the topic and asks him "By the way why were you and Okano acting weird." Maehara was confused and asks him "In what way?" Isogai continues "You know Okano was just messing with you then you uninvited her and it looked like y'all just had a grudge later. But then not a second later you guys just make up. Are you guys ok?" Maehara chuckles and answers him "Ha nah I was just messing with her. But that's just her you know I always try to play it cool but then suddenly she gets angry at me." Isogai looking puzzled tries to speak "I mean I guess but like.."

They then hear the door bell ring. Maehara opens up and outside was Kataoka, Okano, and Yada. "Oh wassup ladies. Yada you're here too?" Yada nods and responds "Yeah Kataoka invited me to come over. Was that ok?" Maehara nods and says "Yeah sure I don't mind having more people come over." Okano looks away while saying "Yet you wouldn't hesitate to not include me." Maehara heads this and responds "I WAS JUST JOKING! Uegh anyways come on in." As the three enter they see Isogai already there. Kataoka greets him "Early as usual?" Isogai chuckles and responds "Heh yeah. And I already know where Maehara lives so." Yada then tells Maehara "By the way I also invited Kimura to come over too if that was cool." Maehara smiles and says to her "Yeah sure no worries."

As the five get their stuff ready Yada speaks up "You guys should've seen how funny it was in the chatroom after they left." Okano asks her "Hm? What do you mean?" Yada continues "Yoshida kind of insulted Hara and she gave him a warning for tomorrow. The rest of us just left and didn't try helping her. The only other people there after I left was the rest of Terasaka's group and Ritsu but wow I kinda feel bad for him." She laughs as she remembers that moment in the chatroom, then the others laugh too. Kataoka then says "He should've seen it coming though. But yeah I hope nothing too serious happens."

As they were talking, the door bell rings and when Maehara opens his door, Kimura was there waiting outside. "Oh hey Maehara. So did you guys start without me?" Maehara shakes his head "Nope you were the only one left. All right guys let's get our stuff ready." As Kimura comes in, the others greet him.

They then get their studies in order and Maehara speaks up "Alright guys just know that if any of you ladies and gentlemen need help, I'm right here to help you." He winks after saying this, which makes Isogai and Yada sheepishly chuckle, while Okano looks in disgust. "Ugh I hate when you act like that." Okano says to him, to which Maehara overreacts "HUH HOW?! LIKE WHAT?" Okano shouts angrily at him "LIKE THAT! LIKE SOME GUY WHO CAN DO ANYTHING YOU ALWAYS TRY AND ACT SO CHARMING!!" Kimura adds on "Yeah dude be a noble man like Isogai not some flirty freak." Yada laughs and adds on "Hence the code name Womanizing Bastard." Okano then says "Like I'd ever ask you for help." Maehara is left with him mouth open, looking offended, while Kataoka clears her throat and speaks up "Well regardless, let's just focus on our studies. Please don't get distracted, and despite his dumb way of putting it, I agree at least we can go over a few stuff together that we don't understand." Maehara mimics her in a high pitch voice silently "'Despite his dumb waaays.'" Kataoka hears this and smacks him with her book "OWWWW?!" Kataoka looks at him angry while saying "Don't copy me again or I'll hit you again. This time with that large guidebook." Maehara quickly shouts "OK OK FINE!! GEEZ!!!" The others laugh while Isogai tells him "You should've seen that coming." Before they study Kimura speaks up "By the way guys you should seen how ridiculous it got in the chatroom after you all left!" Yada tells him "I already told them and yeah I know it was so funny." Kimura laughs and states "I'll remember Yoshida well." Isogai chuckles then states "Ok guys like Kataoka said, let's not get distracted and go over what we need to go over for this semester."

A few minutes past and they were all studying well. There were some moments when Isogai and Kataoka worked together on a problem, Kimura and Yada trying to solve an equation with Kataoka's help, or when Maehara had Isogai help in on a certain problem. They study session went smoothly and there wasn't anything to situational. Later though, Okano gets stuck on an math problem. Since he knew Maehara was good at math she thought about asking for help. But then she over thinks 'I genuinely need help on this and I do want him to help me but not only well he mess with me saying how I needed help after all, it'll be clear to him why I'm asking him for help!' Luckily for her Maehara speaks up again "You guys sure y'all don't need help with anythiing?" He looks directly at Okano. Just before she was gonna speak up, Isogai says "Actually I just wanna know if I got this right can you check this out?" Maehara comes over and nods "Yeah yeah that's right. So anyone eeeelse?!" Kataoka notices Okano hesitate and decides to speak up "Actually I was helping Okano with this problem but I don't think I myself can figure this out too. I never thought I'd say it but yeah if could she- uh we would like some help." Maehara makes a cheeky grin while saying "Hmm with pleasure ladies. But Okano I thought you'd never want help from meeee~" Okano was about to smack him with the book to but Kataoka quickly puts her hand on her shoulder and says "Technically she wanted my help. I'm the one asking for your help." Okano adds on "T-that's right. I still would never ask you for help!" Maehara makes a fake offended face while saying "How dare you?! And besides why would you even let Kataoka ask me f-"
Okano then shouts "UGH JUST HELP US ALREADY!!!" Maehara quickly heads over "ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!!!" Afterwards he proceeds to explain the process on how to solve the problem they needed help on. Kataoka already knew how to figure it out, while Okano was actually understanding how to solve it. Okano made a somewhat upset face while saying "I hate that you can explain this so cool while still be a womanizer." Maehara looks at her surprised and Okano, realizing what she said, quickly tries to refute what she says "I MEAN! I'm sure Isogai and Yada can explain this so thoroughly too! It's just that someone like you explaining this so well is just-" she forgets what to say and remains speechless. Isogai and Yada chuckle while Kimura thinks "She didn't include me. Am I not a thorough explainer to her either..?" Maehara laughs and says "Chill it's alright. I know it's pretty weird seeing me being the smart man that I am, in your eyes at least, but right now I'm dropping that cool guy thing for you so I can help you out for real." Okano stays silent and looks away while quietly saying "Thanks." Immediately Maehara says "Aw see you always go quiet when I get you shy~" Okano kicks him in the face and shouts "SHUT UP!!" Kimura starts laughing while the others look in surprise.

Later, they finish studying and look at that time. Isogai jumps while saying "Crap! I didn't notice the time. Ok I gotta go bye guys." He quickly ran off and left, while the others said bye. As the others get their stuff Kataoka states "Well, I guess today went well. I'll be seeing you all in class tomorrow." Yada adds "Yeah see you tomorrow." Kimura and Okano get their stuff packed too and say bye to Maehara as well. Kimura tells him "Alright see ya dude." while Okano waves at him and leaves." Maehara went back to his room thinking 'Man we should totally do this again.'

He then receives a private message from Mimura

Mushroom Director: How about asking Kayano and Okuda?
Womanizing Bastard: Tf is you talking about
Mushroom Director is now offline
Maehara was left thinking 'What the hell was he talking about..?'

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