Ch 2: Dragons fury

Start from the beginning

I waved her off as I didn't mind it. Kids make mistakes. "Oh, it's ok besides how are you going to use magic? You are just a hu -" as a sudden hand cover my mouth as Sans shook his head 'no'.

Sans looked at her. He was sweating in fear of his kid noticing that she was not a skeleton. "She means monster! Now go draw some more, my bee. " she nodded and ran to draw more. Sans breathed a sigh of relief as she was far enough away from ear shot to hear him whisper to me, "Listen, I don't want to know yet, I want to keep her spirits up." I understand what he meant by that. It's hard to break a child's spirit, is it not?

After the weird silence we had, it was broken as Papyrus shouted, "FOODS READY!" Me and sans had gotten up and were walking to the table, but Lela just ran to it like that stuff toy from the wild card  team show named Speedy. When I  got close to the table, I saw that Lela had a plate in her hands and was trying to grab the food with her tiny hand. Her hand got smacked by a plastic spoon as Papyrus shouted, "NO! Go sit down at the table!" She walked away with a huff as she scrunched her face into a mad scrunched one... it was adorable, to be honest.

He served the food, and it was spaghetti. Everyone was chowing down, but Lela just stared at me while eating. She was waiting for me to eat, I tried it as it... was... DELICIOUS!

I couldn't help but to compliment Papyrus with this cooking, "OF COURSE YOU LIKE THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE PAPYRUS'S COOKING, I WOULD BE DAMNED IF YOU DIDN'T LIKE IT BECAUSE IM THE BEST DAMN COOK AROUND NEYH HE HE!" Sans just stared at him as little Lela as bouncing up and down.

She joined in on this rant as she added, "YEA! I wo-uld also b-be damned i-if you ha-ted his cooking!" Sans just slapped his hand on his face as Lela apologized once again for swearing.

"Looks like I found the culprit for who had been teaching my daughter how to swear," Sans said, annoyed about Lela swearing. Papyrus looked offended and lela acted just like Papyrus copying his moves, "and I think my kid is leeching off of you... great.." Sans said sarcastically to the fact that his kid was learning from Papyrus's bad habits.

As they were all laughing, it was like when my siblings were laughing through the tears of pain of shit bag parents. No matter how much abuse, Syris... my youngest sister I haven't ever found yet, and I would laugh with each other, the sweet care that we had, but everything was gone already, I can't go back. My youngest sister, my parents said that she past away, probably they had forgotten to feed her but they didn't care about us all they wanted was drugs and alcohol, sometimes they would over do with the cocaine or Meth and go bat shit crazy on one of us...I was snapped back into reality as everyone had finished... I was cleaning up as tears were falling from my face, I wanted my old brother back, I wanted to have my family back, but there was nothing I could do. "J, are you alright?" I heard a voice it was Lela she was in some PJ'S and was standing there, tears falling down my face.

"Oh... it... I'm fine, just some dust in my eye hun..." I quickly wiped the tears away as she stood there. She walked over and hugged me, like she could feel my pain.

She looked up to me with innocent eyes. "Have you ever tried self harm, I hear it's a stress reliever, and..." she trailed off, but I was confused. Why was a 12 year old talking about self-harm?

'And what Lela? AND WHAT?!'

I stared down at her confused as I said, "What... no, I never would think of that. That's dangerous. What if you cut an arterie, you know!" I so desperately wanted to ask if she was doing it. It was so weird how she told me that with kindness and compassion.

three souls can mix (UF papyrus and sans x Femreader)Where stories live. Discover now