Puzzle With A Piece Missing

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4:48 pm
New York City
Greenhill Lounge

I rode the elevator up to the fourth floor, wiping my sweaty hands on my pants before stepping out. Buck and Steve were both whispering suspiciously behind the bar. I walked towards them, trying my best to look like nothing had happened. They both stopped whispering when I got close.
"What're you boys talking about?" I asked as casually as I could. Steve scoffed. "What's it to ya'?" He replied, oddly hostile. It took me only a few moments before I realized they already knew.

How quickly does information get around this place?

"Did you hear about that guy being a sellout?" I asked. They both raised a brow. "Mr. Secret Agent." I reiterated, making sure to make myself sound just as outraged as I assumed they'd be. The two shared a confused look. "How did a lil' mutt like you know that?" Buck asked, stepping close and looming over me. "You kidding? I was one of the first people they told." I shrugged like it was common knowledge. They shared another confused look before Buck nodded. He leaned down on the bar, using one hand to grab me by the lapels and pull me close enough that I could smell the tobacco on his breath. "You one a' us?" He asked, raising an amused brow.

I realized then that they were in on it. Originally I just kind of thought that they just happened to work there- maybe the mob thought it was a good idea to hire locals in an attempt to hide their true intent. But when I saw the evil, devilish grins on their faces I realized they were just as much of monsters as the rest of them.
"What do you think?" I asked, feigning confidence. I tried to hide a shaky breath as Buck let me go, a dark chuckle leaving his mouth that made my stomach turn something awful. "Gotta say," He began, sharing a look with Steve. "Out a' the two of yous, I thought you'd be the mole."

Shit. They already assumed that at least one of us was up to something. That's not a good sign.

"That's how y'know I'm good." I shrugged, mirroring the sleazy look the two of them had. Steve rolled his eyes, leaning back on a box of wine coolers with an expression that looked like he knew I was spewing bullshit. "I don't think Bambi knows yet. He's gonna be mighty pissed when he hears." He says. "He wasn't too pleased about havin' to hire help in the first place. How upset do ya' think he'll be?" Buck asked with a chuckle, the two turned to me.
"You kiddin'? Y'know how hard it was to get him to hire me?" I mirrored their way of speech, almost like they were talking about an old friend and not a ruthless boss. "Hate to say it, but I love seeing him angry." Steve says, fishing a set of keys out of pockets. "It's all sunshines and rainbows until he just fuckin' tears into 'em. Like the most killer diller show I've ever seen, like tele from heaven. I gotta see this!"

Buck nods in agreement, walking alongside Steve to the elevator. I followed along, the two of them only stopping when they noticed me. "What the hell do you think yer' doing?" Steve asked, glaring down at me. "Yeah, It's supervising personnel only." Buck added with a dark chuckle. I frowned. "What makes you think I'm not?" I asked, somewhat offended. Steve looked me up and down, as if that was enough of an explanation.
They began to walk without me again. But I needed to see this. I thought back to all the rich assholes I'd been dealing with, all those stupid mob movies I watched, every piece of advice my brothers had given me- "Do you know who I am?" I asked angrily, making the two of them pause.

Holy shit that worked.

"Antonio Ricci? Of the Ricci family?" I added, crossing my arms. They both turned, shaking their heads. "Damn right you haven't. 'Probably not important enough to." I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "I've been brought here for a damn good reason, and I'm not letting a couple a' schmucks like you tell me what to do." I said angrily, shoving past the two of them. Neither one of them stopped me, letting me get into the elevator with them and going all the way up to the tenth floor. I could see them both whisper to each other and share a few worried glances in my peripherals.

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