"I will talk to you later. My friend is here."

I quickly ran off from her place.
HR or not, I am not going with her plan as it will sure make my life hell and that bastard Ayaan got too many butterflies around him .
All of the praises I did for Aditi, I take them back now.
This Siya hasn't called yet. What is she doing with me?

Working all day along sitting among the lines of benches kept , all I was worried about was Siya. That girl got power to keep me waiting.


Among the myriads of tension , just waiting outside my home for her to open the door for me gets me settled. The thought that anytime, I would be invited into an overwhelming atmosphere where warmth and comfort are provided with oxygen makes heart bloom.

But today was different, thoughts that some information about her health awaits me inside unsettled my thoughts.
She opened the door letting me in ,being indifferent about my arrival, her phone sticked to her ears.

"Okay maa, bye Kunal." She said over the phone while I stood behind her not getting enough peace to freshen up first.

"Did you go to the doctor?"
She stumbled for once as soon as she heard me after keeping her latest Iphone down.

"I was busy, Arjun."


"Whole of our family video called me."
My eyes went across her towards the phone, which I fucking don't know how she got.

"This phone?"

"My brother sent this. It looks good, right?" She beamed while I got no heart to decrease her excitement by telling about my frustrations over her brother to her.

"Today your Mom and Dad is at Himachal shopping for Prakhar bhaiyya's wedding."
She gave me water while I settled down keeping beside our topic for now.
I was overly frustrated seeing her being way too indifferent about her heath which she should have prioritized over how Prakhar's brides dresses looked.

Cooker's whistles broke through her ranting.
"You go on and freshen up, until then I will bring our food."
Nodding, I went inside to get changed.

Now, I have to wait for another day to know about what I waited for whole of this day.

"Arjun. We should call Inayat and Kunal here, right? It's been hard for them there to stay on there own."

"Isn't this place to small for that?!"

"We can manage Arjun!" She whined.

"Okay, Okay I will tell Kunal to do that." My shell broke too soon here.

She beamed digging on her rotis.

My day ends here, but my thoughts didn't. They are still going over the only topic, my heart doesn't want for now.


The very next day , finding her in the kitchen making me breakfast, I went towards her.

"Siya, you are going to the doctor today." I informed her.

"Okay. Arjun, can you please get me a sim card, the old one was yours and that too BSNL which doesn't work too fine here."
I nodded. Successfully avoiding me , she concentrated on cumins bubbling out of the oil in the pan kept over stove.

"You are definitely going today Siya." I sternly instructed her.

"Yes , Arjun. I will try to take time out of my house chores."

"Don't just try. Surely do that."

She again kept her busy in removing the containers off the shelf and neglected my curiosities over her.

Sighing, I went forwards towards my room to get myself ready for the most wearying day of the week; Saturday.

Work keeps coming as the day continues but keeping ourselves up to date to let Sunday stay fresh comes as our responsibility.

I hurried the towel over me and came out of the bathroom. Looking at Siya, only thought coming now is : why aren't girls even a bit attentive to the relationship?

They are. They do fancy showing love to the opposite gender but what stops them is morals and shame they are taught from the age too prior. That's the answer comes if I bring in my mind the hundreds of seminars my Dad made me and Kunal attend to show respect to girls.

Yes, my Dad is too attentive towards us to not become hooligans standing by the road complimenting every girl they gaze at. He is such a gentleman. I still remember how he lectured me to always prioritise Siya over rest of the family.

Siya handed me the plate of Poha sitting across me with her cup of tea.
My phone pinged up on the table with the message from the Indian Railways about Inayat and Kunal's ticket.

"Are they coming today?" Siya beamed, after she peeked over the phone curiously.

"Yes . They have their train in evening. They will be reaching here late at night."

She nodded delighted about hearing the information about the arrival of her brother-in-law whom she had termed as 'better than her brother'

I ignited off the engine after Siya saw me out till the gates and started off towards another of hell keeping in my frustrations.

All about what Arjun thinks. Too boring to read, right?

Still, do vote and comment people.
Will meet ya'll in the next one making it less boring.

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