Chapter 1: Meeting the terror

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It's been a month since I enrolled here. Students had their own world and businesses so do I. I'm simply living a lonely life here but I don't mind it, I preferred to be alone so I could focus on my studies. I barely got D+ in the Combat subject in our sparring test yesterday. My body sores in every inch cause I don't really know how to fight with swords that's why I lost but I got D+ since I manage to endure the beating for three minutes. I don't know how to fight back so I just took all the attack until I was beaten to pulp but I don't mind it at all since I'm used to it.

The class just ended and as usual I stay in our classroom while everyone's gone. I'm reviewing the written text in the board and as expected it's too easy for me. I'm just doing this so I could collect few Ideas to my research. In short, I'm studying and innovating at the same time-


"Kiyaaaaa!!!" I screamed in my mind. A sudden noise at my back and I already knew who it was even I won't look back.

Yeah, it's Professor Javier! I slowly look back and I saw him looking at my notebook! Fortunately my penscraft are readable. I want to close it but he might feel offended so i just let him be.

He's so busy looking at my notebook while I'm slowly dying out of nervousness. I slowly turn back my head and focus on the board so I won't see his face. One wrong move he will kick me out of his class and if that's happen...I will be kick out of this school and I don't have anywhere to go... So I just stay still as if I'm not here huhuhu.

Sniff sniff?

Professor Javier smells famiar... It's like a wood in the forest, it very ralaxing scent that can make someone intoxicated. I can barely hear his breathe and he's standing in my back like a ghost without live presence. Are you a ghost or something?

"You're pretty quick-witted. Did you solved this yourself?" He asked me with his calm voice but dominant tone...God save me!

"Yes Sir" I barely made a sound 'cause I'm so scared to even breathe...

"Then that's decided" he said and I'm confuse now. Decided? what? I want to ask him but I'm so scared! But if I don't respond he might think that I'm not scared of him huhuhu they said he used to sent those who offends him in the boulder line! I have to be wise or else I'm screwed.

"P-pardon S-sir??" I asked and looked at him- ow our eyes met. His emerald eyes and his face is the embodiment of the word perfectly handsome. But why does he looks so scary!

"From now on you'll me my assistant"

"Assistant ?? Wait... I don't want to!!!" I said it loud! He frowned and I just realized that I was not suppose to said that huhuhuh I'm really bad in conversing since I barely talk to anyone huhuhu I made a grave sin!

"S-sir I'm sorry I didn't mean that ahm I'm just surprise because I'm not really qualified to become your assistant" I said while trembling in fear cause he's staring at me like he's gonna kill me anytime.

"Hmm are you saying that I'm blind?" He asked and I quickly shake my head.

"Then that's it, your equation and solution is far beyond in my lesson today and It's obvious that you're the smartest among your batch and....I intengionally wrote the Fairy language and surprisingly you can read it. It's rare for a human to understand our language" he said and I'm so confuse now 'cause... I don't even know that it's written in the fairy languages but he'll suspect me if I deny it.

"I heard you're from a fallen nobility, no connections, no money nor access in the labolatory but I could give you monthly wage, access go my personal lab and a big room in my mansion " he said and I nodded my head witnout realizing it. The offer is very good but I'll be dead if I made a mistake. But in other side, if I could earn money I could eat breakfast and dinner! We only had free lunch here and I can't afford the othe meals since I don't have money but if I'll accept his offer I could earn money and access to the laboratory maybe I could lift my curse! Yehey! Once in a lifetime oportunity, I'll just gamble my life rather that waiting for my death someday. They said luck will come if you're about to die.

"Hmmm then let write a contract Sir, verbal promises are invalid" I said and he smirk. Gosh so scary!

"Alright, come to my mansion tommorow 6:am in the morning" he said and vanish without a trace.


I can finally breathe. He vanished like a ghost ... But the problem is... His mansion is in the West gate of the school! Two kilometers from here! My poor feet!! I have to wake up early so I won't be late 'cause he hates lazy people. It's my chance to find clues about my curse so I had to make a good deal to Sir.

I went back go my dorm and did my daily routine. Review as soon as I came back and exercise before sleep.


I woke up early and start prepairing to go. I wear my uniform, a longsleeve blue blazer with a white lonsleeve underneath, checkered Ivory mini skirt and knee level white boots. Fortunately I'm used dressing myself alone.

I started to run. I put my stuffs in my space ring that's why I'm pretty light now and It took me thirty minutes to arrive at Professor's Mansion. Among the professors here he's the only one who had a private house inside the school. The other teacher had their own quarters unlike Sir who had his own mansion here.

The gate's open so I just came in- wowww!! There' s a huge garden here! There's a manmade pond, beautiful sceneries but the mansion itself is crazy gloomy just like the hunted house in the horror books. I might mistook his house to an hunted house cause it's seriously dark and gloomy.

Anyway I'll knock the door-

"Come in" a voice came in my telephaty is cool! Only strong people can do that!

"Okay Sir, I'm coming in" I said and quietly open the door. His house is very dark! Scary but.... I'm used to dark that's why I could bear with it somehow.

"Sir where's your office-

"Your eyes are pretty good in the dark" Professor suddenly appeared right in my front that really startled me! I can't even scream so I just bit my lips out of fear. I wanna cry but I don't want to die huhuhu. He lighted up the chandelier and finally I can see lights oh God.

"Did I starled you?" He asked and I frowned. I almost died from a heart attack you know? You're a meanie Sir!

"No Sir, I'm just surprised" I said and smiled . He's wearing a normal white longsleeve and it's definitely expensive but why does he had to expose his chest? I can't look at him so I just looked on the floor.

To be continued...

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