Make Amends

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【part fifteen】

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part fifteen


It was a quiet morning. Haruhi and Y/N were conversing, waiting for the bell to ring. Students filed into the classroom, sitting in their seats around them. Y/N rested her head in her hand while she listened to Haruhi go on about the twin's fight from the day prior.

Everyone had no idea what was going on with those two. They were fine one moment and in a matter of seconds they crumbled. Everything just seemed too...perfectly timed.

"Hey Y/N, Haruhi." The two turned toward the voice. Y/N's mouth dropped at the boy in front of her. "Good morning." He walked over to the two, calmly sitting down at his desk.

His hair was bright pink. "What happened...?" Y/N cringed.

His eyes met hers, revealing nothing about what he was thinking. "Pink suits me. Don't you think it's cute? From now on I'm the pink-haired twin. I didn't want to be mistaken for that Kaoru for the rest of my life, y'know?"

"I think it's burning my eyes, for one." Y/N scoffed, earning a glare from Hikaru.

As if nothing could get worse, Kaoru walked up behind Haruhi. His hair was electric blue. "Good morning Haruhi, Y/N."

"Oh. My. God." Y/N was in disbelief.

"So, Kaoru's the blue twin?" Haruhi muttered.

"I was finally able to sleep all by myself last night, but I ended up having a nightmare. I dreamt that my stylist had dyed my hair pink." Hikaru tensed at his brother's words. Karou continued, "It was so garish and ridiculous looking I woke up screaming!" He chuckled and went to sit down.

Unfortunately for him, Hikaru had gotten up and kicked the chair out from under him. Kaoru quickly followed suit with the action.

Y/N could not believe what was going on. These two were being so childish. Granted, they are normally, but this is just next level. They were throwing glares at each other while Haruhi had to sit between them.

The bell rang and the desk next to Y/N's remained empty. She turned to Haruhi, gesturing to the desk beside her. The brunette happily accepted, picking her things up swiftly and sliding into the desk away from the twins.

"They are unbelievable." Y/N whispered.

"It's so out of the ordinary for them." Haruhi agreed.

Y/N nodded, turning to the front of the class as the teacher began the lesson. Whatever was going on definitely wasn't normal. She needed to talk to them. They were causing problems for everyone around them; not to mention disrupting any room they walked into.

Honestly, it was pissing her off.

"What is your problem?"

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