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【part seven】

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part seven


Back in their familiar spot tucked behind the mountains of rocks, Jun and Y/N sat near the small pool of water. They were exhausted after challenging each other to a multitude of carnival games, so they sat in comfortable silence.

Y/N fidgeted with the black box in her hands, her thumb rubbing back and forth over the smooth material. There were less kids on the beach now, but every-so-often the two would hear a scream of excitement followed by uncontrollable giggling. It was nice just to see people be...human. Genuinely human. She loved seeing people get excited over the small things that made them happy, or watching a couple gaze lovingly at their child. There was just something so beautiful about people enjoying life.

Y/N stared off into the flowing water before her. Because this was a closed off section from the actual ocean, the water was calmer. It swayed so gently, ripples appearing when a breeze would stop by.

There was movement beside her. She didn't pay attention to what Jun was doing; she just wanted to enjoy the last few minutes of this day before she had to head home.

"Would you like me to put yours on for you?"

Y/N came out of her daze upon hearing Jun's voice. She turned to him, confused. "What?"

"Your necklace. Would you like help putting it on?" He gestured to the small box, giving her a reassuring smile in response to her confused state.

"Oh—yeah. Yes, thank you." Y/N opened the box and handed him the necklace. She turned away from him and lifted her hair away from her neck.

She could hear him messing with the clasp before he moved closer to her. She watched as both of his arms came over her head—the necklace dangling from either hand—and brought the metal around her neck. She shivered as the cool accessory touched her skin.

Jun attached the clasp, releasing his hold on the jewelry. Y/N let her hair fall back over her shoulders, watching as the necklace dangled onto her chest.

"There. Now we're matching," Jun expressed from behind. Y/N admired her new possession, shifting her body to face Jun.

She looked up to his new necklace, smiling at their somewhat matching prizes. Her gaze drifted up to meet his eyes. He was staring and hadn't moved away. Their knees were touching and his face was a mere few inches from hers.

Y/N felt her heart skip. "Hi."

Jun returned a soft smile, "Hi."

They continued to stare at one another, neither saying a word.

Y/N took a sharp inhale, opening her mouth to say something only to be cut off.


"Yes?" She felt Jun gently grasp her hands. She quickly glanced at his actions, only to return to his eyes once again.

"You're very important to me, okay?"

Now she was confused again, "Now look who's being all sappy."

"I mean it, Y/N. I care about you so much. I was conflicted about something for so long, but after today I've finally figured out what I want."

He released his hands from hers, moving them up to rest on the sides of her neck. Y/N carefully watched his every move, but she always found herself drawn back to his eyes. Two different colors, yet so extraordinary together.

"You're not making any sense. What were you conflicted about, Jun?"

He only continued to give her a soft smile, "You."

"Me?" Jun only nodded in response.

"And—what you want is...?"

"You." His hand moved to caress her cheek, still being as gentle as ever.

Y/N was at a loss for words. Her heart was going a mile a minute and her stomach was doing summersaults.

She had no idea what to do or what to say. She wanted to say something, anything. In her time of thinking, Y/N failed to notice how much closer Jun had gotten. His nose nearly brushed against hers.


She inhaled sharply. Swallowing before she answered, "Yes?"

"Can I kiss you?" Jun glanced at her lips before meeting her eyes once more.

Y/N was shocked. Jun, her best friend, wanted to kiss her. Did she want to do the same? Thoughts ran through her mind. She loved his company, she always felt so comfortable around him. Her heart was practically beating out of her chest, and her stomach felt like it was full of butterflies.

Y/N focused on him. His eyes. She looked at both colors. Light blue first, then hazel. The dying sun shone through over the rocks, giving his eyes much more intensity. More life. Yet, they still looked so gentle and calm. She drifted her eyes to his lips. Only briefly, though, before she looked back up at him. He was looking down at her with a look of hope. Y/N realised she still needed to answer his question.

So, she found herself slowly nodding.

The tiniest smile tugged at Jun's lips as he closed the gap between them. He was so gentle, acting like Y/N was the most fragile thing in the world. It felt so right, and Y/N couldn't help but melt into the kiss. Her hands made their way up to rest overtop Jun's.

It was a short and sweet kiss, but it was so exhilarating. The two pulled away, resting their foreheads together. There were no words spoken, all they could do was smile like idiots.

Jun pulled away first, his hands finding home at the side of her neck once again. "Will you be mine?"

Y/N immediately nodded, a giddy smile forming on her face, "Yes, of course."



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