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【part two】

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part two


Reine Middle School was built 15 minutes away from one of the twelve beaches in Madison, Wisconsin and 30 minutes away from the young girl, Y/N Newman.

The final bell of her eighth grade year just rang and she was thrilled to get out. Students bustled through the halls and hastily rummaged through their lockers. Y/N walked more calmly to her destination, her peers talking about summer plans as she passed by.

"Who's excited for summer?" Jun Kishi.

Y/N found her locker, turning to see the familiar face. She smiled.

"After this year, I could go for a year-long vacation. I mean—this is middle school. Why do these people see the need to fight so much? It won't even matter the following week—" She rambled on. "Sorry. I got carried away. I'm just so relieved to be done with this place. What are you doing over summer?"

The boy in question leaned against the lockers, students gradually filing out of the halls. "Nothing that I know of. You?"

"Nothing." She closed her locker, pausing. "You know how I want to go to Japan for high school. At Ouran Private Academy?" The boy replied with a hum. "What if—maybe it's too much of a long shot. I mean they rarely—"


The girl paused, looking up at her friend. "Yes?"

"Don't start having doubts. The school will accept you. I mean you're the best in your class this year, and you will be next year. You'll get in."

"But...I haven't even managed to get an application yet. The waiting list is so long, they rarely let in scholarship students, my chances aren't high. I mean for god's sake it's a private school for rich kids. I'm the complete opposite of that." The two made their way through the barren halls and into the courtyard.

"Your parents are checking everyday and your spot is moving up. You just have to deal with one year of high school here and then boom—you'll get the application and you'll get to attend Ouran Academy," Jun reassured, linking his arm with Y/N's.

She huffed, "Yeah, yeah. It's kinda weird, though, that I would be considered a first year student in Japan even though I would have already completed my freshman year. Maybe that would allow me to be ahead of everyone?" She pondered. The two walked out of the school, the ocean's scent filling the breeze.

"Exactly! You'll be the top student in your grade. You're going to be just fine, Y/N."

The girl hummed contently, squeezing his arm slightly.

"We should go down to the beach tonight," Jun suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds nice." Y/N smiled at the brunette beside her. "I'll have to check with my parents, but I'm sure they'll say yes."

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