They went to eat in a restaurant across the street.

Time passed quickly, and they finished their meal, but Jin Yuansen and the others still hadn't come out. Gu Siyu took a sip of cola and asked Huo Junxian to wait there while she went in to check.

Coincidentally, Gu Siyu found Jin Yuansen near the entrance of the club after a short stroll. He was walking along a small path with a woman. They seemed to be having a pleasant conversation. Gu Siyu couldn't see the woman's face because she had her back turned. The woman was dressed very conservatively, with a black fisherman's hat covering her head, trying not to be seen.

The woman noticed Gu Siyu first, pressed down on her hat with one hand, and said something to Jin Yuansen. Then she quickly left.

Gu Siyu turned her head to look at the entrance. Huo Junxian had stepped back to avoid being noticed.

Gu Siyu had her hands in her pockets, walking faster and faster until she suddenly kicked Jin Yuansen.

Jin Yuansen reacted swiftly, taking a step back. He couldn't see anyone but began to grind his teeth, "Gu Siyu, you damn persistent ghost."

Turning around, Jin Yuansen took out his phone to call his bodyguards. However, he saw Gu Siyu pulling a pack of cigarettes from her pocket. It was a new pack, with the transparent film on the outside still intact. Skillfully, she opened the box, pushed out a cigarette, and flicked the box open with her thumb.

Gu Siyu placed the cigarette in her mouth, saying, "I wanted to have a chat with you and discuss your wife."

The first time Jin Yuansen saw Gu Siyu, she was sitting at the bar, pinching a cigarette between her fingertips. Her thumb pressed against the cigarette cap, tapping it, shaking off the burned-out ashes, and then slowly exhaling a puff of white smoke.

In that moment, Gu Siyu, with her extraordinary appearance, made Jin Yuansen want to seduce her.

Holding the cigarette between her fingertips, Gu Siyu extended her hand towards Jin Yuansen, asking, "Got a lighter?"

Jin Yuansen had a lighter but controlled himself from lighting it for her. Gu Siyu sniffed the unlit cigarette, saying, "Recently, I've noticed something unusual about your wife."

Jin Yuansen remained silent, curious about what Gu Siyu had discovered. Her posture didn't seem like she was lying.

"She considers He Xiao troublesome, and I can't figure out what she means. It's been bothering me for days," Gu Siyu explained.

Jin Yuansen bit his lip and walked over, saying, "You should be thankful. Considering her 'troublesome' is still quite mild. Remember I told you she's mentally ill, does things abnormally?"

"Hmm?" Gu Siyu raised an eyebrow, wanting to know what he was hiding.

"I once told you how I pursued Huo Junxian, right? I had someone take away her dog, and then I pretended to help her find it. She fell for it," Jin Yuansen said, his mouth twitching, not laughing, but a hint of hatred in his eyes. "Later, when the dog was found, she was willing to get in touch with me. We got married right after she finished her postgraduate studies. When I encountered the person who took her dog again while on a business trip abroad, do you know what happened to them?"

Gu Siyu didn't know.

Jin Yuansen made a gesture, slashing across his thigh, "They got amputated."

Gu Siyu's lips tightened.

"That incident was probably orchestrated by Huo Junxian's father. We only had someone break the dog's leg. Yet, she did something so extreme," Jin Yuansen said, looking at Gu Siyu with a smile. Finally, he found someone who went through a similar experience and felt strangely happy about it.

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