8 • Hotel Room Service 🏩

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Hotel Room Service 🏩

Ari & Y/n have their first romantic night alone together...

I don't have much to say but...

You guys asked. And I delivered!

• Saturday Night •

"Bye baby doll," your dad smiles at you as he helps Ariel put away dishes from the dinner they were hosting earlier this evening at your house.

Recently, your dad has dedicated his time to attending dinners at his friend's houses and you suppose it was about time he wanted to do one at his own house.

Smiling, you walk over to your dad to kiss him on the cheek. The house was quiet, and dark since it was nighttime. Sam was god knows where with his friends, so maybe that's why it was so quiet.

"Bye Dad, see you in the morning." you hate lying to him. But you need to do this for yourself, live a little bit on the rebellious side.

You weren't going to do anything bad like get drugs from some random person in an alley and then smuggle it into an airport—Christ—no you were just going to hook up with the finest man you've ever seen. Now that's normal.

Although on some levels it isn't, like Ari's attraction to you.

None of Sam's friends have ever come onto you like this, but then again Ari is one of Sam's new friends. And you're still convincing yourself they're nothing but friendly acquaintances. But by the way your brother interacts with him tells the little delusional monkey in your head otherwise.

It's also the same delusional monkey making the logical decisions in your head, a year ago you wouldn't even dream of sneaking around like this, especially with a guy.

But Ari makes you realize how independent you can be, how responsible you are and most important how you can make decisions for yourself without guilt tripping anyone.

Ignoring Ariel, who huffs lowly enough for only you to hear as she whips her hair over her shoulder to wash dishes. First of all you guys can't stand each other, second of all she's probably pissed your dad is making her wash the dishes and sent Janice, the housekeeper home early.

Digging into his shorts pocket, your dad fishes out his wallet, "you need any money, honey? For pizza or somethin'? Tell Lola it's my treat."

Now this was just torture, lying to your father like this. Ari's voice from when he was 'fixing' your sink in your bathroom echoes in your head, "what do you think about spending the night with me?"

You needed to get out of your house before you second guessed this, it was risky, maybe even a little too risky, but you still wanted to go through with it.

"No, no, Dad, it's fine. We're all good. Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow," kissing his cheek again, this time a final goodbye kiss as you make your way to the front door without another word - where the cab Ari sent for you, was waiting patiently.

There was a warm breeze in the night, relaxing you a bit. You mentally tell yourself to enjoy this.

Sam is always up your ass for something and your dad stays treating you as if you still wore diapers – you deserve to leave the house without them following or monitoring your every move.

You're also grateful that you won't get your period for another week and a half, thank god it wasn't approaching soon. You would've had to cancel on Ari, and you know how happy he got when you accepted yesterday.

Brother's Best Friend • Ari LevinsonWhere stories live. Discover now