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The delivery guy was waiting not too far from the register where the receptionist was. Minho met eyes with her, she smiled and he nodded back. Minho payed and took the pizza from the man's hands.

"Enjoy your pizza, sir!"

Minho nodded and he left. No need to say Minho is bad with social interactions, but he wasn't always like that. When he was just a little boy, he was a ray of sunshine, like his mother liked to call him. He was smiling to everyone, even strangers he would meet on the street. He liked helping the elders to carry their groceries to their car and loved teaching the youngers new things he discovered. He was a social butterfly. But it didn't last forever. One day, he suddenly stopped it all. No more smiles to strangers, no more help for the elders and no more teaching to the youngers for the simple reason that Minho stopped going out. If he wasn't at school, he was in his new apartment. He couldn't stand his mother and baby brother anymore, so he moved out. And since then, the only hang out he would accept was when Chan or Changbin invited him to a bar to get waisted together. He lost all his other friends and with time, people learned to stay away from him. No one really know what happened. Some rumors were going about someone close to him that would've killed themselves, but those were only rumors, Minho never told anyone what had happened.

The way back to his apartment was as painful as the way downstairs. He was getting anxious. He didn't want the atmosphere between Jisung and him to be awkward. He liked how it was. They weren't completely comfortable with the each other yet, but they both could feel at ease with the other.

When he got back in the apartment, Minho searched for Jisung. The apartment was silent, you could hear a bug fly. Jisung wasn't in the living room like he was before Minho left. Minho was still at the door, his eyes landed on the shoes at his feet. Jisung's converse were still there with his clothes which meant Jisung was still in the apartment. Minho placed the pizza on the kitchen's counter and looked for Jisung in the apartment.


*15 minutes earlier*

(Jisung's pov)

Jisung hasn't moved since Minho left. And that was 5 minutes ago. His heart was still beating fast and his hands were sweating. Minho had left him all confused and lost. That's when he heard a noise. Like if something had fell of a shelf. It was silent for a bit, then Jisung heard something else. It sounded like someone or something was scratching on something. Jisung looked at where the sound seamed to be coming from. At first he thought it was from the bathroom, but as he was getting closer he realized it was actually from Minho's bedroom that the noises were coming from.

"I'd be the first to perish in a horror movie that's for sure" Jisung thought.

As he was standing right in front of Minho's bedroom's door and was about to open it he recalled the thing Minho told him while giving a tour of his home. "This is my room, you don't go there" he said, Jisung remembered. But the curiosity took over him and he soon found himself opening the door.

At his surprise, it wasn't an hostage or one of Minho's victims. In the corner of the room, a small creature was scratching the leg of one of the nightstands. Jisung walked slowly towards the small ball of fur.

"Hey, there! I didn't know you existed!" Jisung said in a calm and soft tone to not trigger the small animal. He extend his hands and the cute fury animal stopped scratching to snif his hand. Once Jisung thought the animal was trusting him enough he gently started petting the little ball of fur.

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