• The alley •

189 15 66

"I warned you, little piece of shit"

That voice.



Jisung's whole body froze, letting his phone fall on the ground. He didn't realize he was behind the school... where he was supposed to meet SungHo more than an hour ago.

"The least you can do after being more than an hour late is turning around when I talk to you"

Jisung wasn't late, he was there by mistake, but it's better for him to let SungHo thinks he was just late.

Jisung carefully turns to face SungHo.

"He isn't alone. What did I expect"

SungHo isn't in fact alone, he came with his two friends from last time plus two others. The unknowns men are quite built, really big compared to the small body Jisung got. The four males all standing behind SungHo, like to show who the leader is.

Jisung was terrified. The look on SungHo's face wasn't reassuring at all. He had no emotions showing. His gaze had no life in it, like if he was disconnected from this reality.

"You see, last time you got lucky. But that won't happen again. If you call that little brat again, we'll be ready to fight with him." Only his voice has emotions in it. Eagerness. Madness.

Behind the school it's a dark and creepy alley, no one ever goes there because of all the rumors. Not even the teachers dare to park their car behind the school.

Jisung looks around to find a way to escape. There's none. He is trapped. He himself never came in this alley. Not that he believes in all the stupid rumors, but because it gives him chills just the thought of this alley. It's dark and wet, definitely not welcoming.

"So, shall we start where we left of last time?"

Still no emotions on SungHo's face. He looks like a total maniac.

"N-no, please" Jisung begged, he's already crying.

SungHo groaned. "Ahh, keep begging" SungHo's eyes rolled back, shamelessly showing he was turned on by Jisung's words.

(‼️⚠️ Warning; well detailed sexual assault coming up ⚠️‼️)

SungHo made the same sign he did last time to indicate his friends he wants Jisung to be hold. The same guys from in the bathroom immediately went to Jisung to stabilize him while the two remaining kept watching at the scene.

SungHo rushed to Jisung and kissed his neck letting his loud breathing being heard. Soon he was sucking and biting the younger's poor neck.

"S-sto-p, Sung-SungHo, I'm beg-ging y-you" Jisung tried his best to talk, but the sniffles, the tears falling down and the unbearable pain he was feeling on his neck made it difficult.

At that moment, Jisung prayed. But not to god, but to the mysterious guy who saved him last time. He desperately wanted him to appear like the last time and beat the life out of those beasts, especially SungHo.

𝐖𝐚𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 || 𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚐Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon