"You..." His pause made me look at him. "...still love him?"

My mouth fell open with shock as I heard him. Is he... is he that clueless? I thought I was an idiot, but he...

"I love you!" I repeated slowly with wide eyes and parted lips. "That's what I answered."

He stared at me for a moment, then turned away from me and nodded while saying, "That was your answer."

I took in a shuddering breath as I waited for him to say anything, but he just stared ahead with clenched jaws. So, I repeated again and spoke as clearly as words would allow me.

"I said to him," and I kept my eyes on him. "I love Suraj!"

He blinked once before he turned to face me, then blinked again.

"I love you, Suraj." I stared at him in the eyes as...

"I don't want to stay here for another second. Let's go!" Jiji's voice came from behind, followed by slamming the door. Jiji?

We both looked behind, and there she was, sitting on the back seat while doing something in her bag, before she finally looked at us.

"What?" She glanced between me and Suraj with a questioning gaze.

Suraj shook his head before I could say what timing she had. I gave him a look before turning away from them and staring out of the window with a sigh.

Maybe I should have waited until we reached home.


I sat with my laptop open on my lap in our Delhi apartment, but I was more interested in eating the freshly made Jalebi because I had no place to keep these last 40 or something Jalebi after six containers and also because I had a lot of thinking to do, so I needed it.

It was almost 6 in the evening and exactly two days after that confusing confession that I had made to Suraj, who has completely been out of touch for these two days. I haven't heard from him, I haven't seen him, and I can't do this anymore. So, after a lot of convincing, Jiji finally agreed to ask Suraj and Jijaji to come over for dinner because it's our last day in Delhi. Which is the reason I gave her. But the truth was, I wanted to talk to Suraj. I wanted to get a clear answer from him about my confession. But... as the clock is ticking, it doesn't feel like a very good idea anymore.

"Khushi?" Jiji called from the kitchen.

I sighed loudly over my life decisions before grabbing the empty container of Jalebi and standing up to go to the kitchen.

"Khu..." Jiji stopped halfway for a second. "What is wrong with you?"

I sighed again as I placed the container on the countertop and looked at her.

"Do you want any help?" I asked with another sigh.

She stared at me for a long moment with an expression that I didn't have any energy to read, then shook her head at me and said, "Nevermind. I'll manage here. Just do me a favor and ask Nikhil and Suraj how long till they reach."

I nodded like a soulless person as I actually heard what she said, then snapped my head to look at her with wide eyes.

"You... you want me to call Su.. Suraj?" I asked.

She glanced up from whatever she was doing with slightly furrowed brows as she said, "That's what I said, Khushi!"

She then pressed her lips before saying, "At least, change into something good. Can you do that?" Then suddenly a small smile appeared on her lips as she added, "You want to go in front of Suraj like that?"

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