Alvar's Story (First Person)

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I felt overshadowed by my little brother who oh so happened to be a Telepath and looked like my dad so I tried to connect with my mom but then she had a little girl that looked like her minus the eyes so she spent time with her and my friends left me after a while then I got two notes to join two different organizations. One had a Swan that was black on it and the other had a eye symbol on it. I read the one with the eye symbol on it but kept the other one just in case. The eye symbol one said, Dear Alvar Vacker, We hope you will join. Please help us on a mission to find the Moonlark. We know you are willing to help us find her. We also know that you are overshadowed by your siblings. You can stop pollution in the human world. Just join if you want to. 

I was confused but nevertheless I decided to join them but not just them. Oh, no. You remember the other letter I got while I also joined the Black Swan but I'm undercover that is why I was so nice to Keefe when he "joined" and just watched Sophie & Dex get hurt not that I wanted them to. But now I am rotting in this cell until... (Countinued in the next chapter. Also this is for the 13.)

Everything KOTLC 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora