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Thank you for 2.2K views! If you recognize it while then it is Shannon's if not then it is me with a little prompting from Jubilee, BoredHumans.com and then my own brain. I also wrote this from 3/late 4 to before 5:30 on 5/5. Update: 5/12 Sorry for the change of perspective of hers. 

"Everyone excited for Midterms?" Dame Alina's hologram said in a cheerful voice. I pulled a chunk of my hair out of nervousness while Dame Alina still used her joyful voice which was getting annoying. "Your thinking caps are in your lockers, and remember, anyone found without one for the rest of the day will be disqualified for cheating—is that clear?" She stopped until she saw all of us nod. "Good. Have fun with midterms." I groaned and I heard others groan as well once Dame Alina's hologram left then the rest of us left for exams. I accidentally pulled out another chunk of hair becausecI was too scared to go to my class. I was making sure that all of the decorations were being put up by the adults. "Move it a little to the right no now the left. Move it some more please. Ah that's perfect." I smiled at the people decorating even though I was still nervous. I put on my thinking cap that was white with a pointed top. I started walking to my next class trying not to be noticed by anyone at all. I don't think people would like me if they knew that I decorated the place then went to my next class. I was hoping that it would go well but I wrung my hands anyways and smoothed my hair. I wrote a five sentence paragraph essay for elvin history, I named some of the stars but not all of them for Emerysn and I did some physical problems with my teacher Lady Amara for metaphysics. We bottled some rain at Elementalism which was easy for me to do so I got a A+ for that class. I had a bit more difficult exams at the end of lunch, and it was first alchemy. When I looked over at Sophie she was pale. I spent some time with Fitz, I was thinking about my notes for my next class. "Can you focus on me, please, Biana?" My brother asked. He snapped his fingers in my face, so that he can get my attention. "You don't usually ignore me" He said. I looked at him, "It's because I'm studying for my next class" I saw Fitz shrug from the corner of my eye. "Ok" I looked at him. "You should probably do it yourself." Fitz looked at his shoes. "Um ok, I will..." Notes help you out unless your teacher let's you do open book for tests. I liked them because they made me remember the lesson plus I don't have a Photographic Memory like Keefe which meant that I sadly couldn't skip a level. Sophie was also kind've nice. Don't get distracted! I kept getting distracted which was sad well until I went to the class. I heard Keefe talking to Sophie but I rubbed it off. The bells then rang to signal that our lunch break was done. She looked like she had trouble getting up but Keefe was nice enough to-.

She looked a bit more green now which I was worried about then she tipped slightly. Keefe was trying to reassure Sophie. I was with my father practicing mind skills when Fitz just randomly walked into the room. My body stiffened when I saw that my brother would read my mind and that my dad would monitor him. My dad and brother at least gave me something easy though. "Does the cap work?" Please let it work on Fitz. It didn't. Darn! If only they couldn't read stuff in my mind but I signed up for this. "Will you be looking at anything personal?" My brother at least shook his head. I tried believing them. I cleared my throat, trying to put personal things away but that didn't work though my brother tried promising that he wouldn't look there. I looked at my dad for a second then blinked. "You must categorize what you don't want us to see but only do it for stuff you really don't want to share also use math. You have fifty-eight minutes. I suggest you get started." Thoughts were interesting, one of the few things that cannot even be easily hidden by anyone. They also never stayed to you fully even if you tried your hardest—and you would be embarrassed if anyone saw them—so most Telepaths tried to not invade your privacy. But I had no Ability Detecting class. I had no choice but to at least try. Her thoughts kept going everywhere so she didn't think that this would work. I tried to categorize the things I didn't want them seeing though I was still kind've slow. Only half of the things she didn't categorize got shown to them. Alden was im0ressed that I could keep away at least some if my thoughts from Fitz and he even smiled at me. I even got some extra points for laughing. I wrote a little bit about ogres though it wasn't the best. I spent some time chatting with my family. And I didn't lose concentration much except the third time of when Lady Alexine ran back and forth. Lady Alexine was impressed. I was super tired, I stumbled back to the atrium to meet Maruca. "Well, that was hard," she droned on, making her locker boom shut. "How'd it go for you?" I leaned against the wall. "I think I actually passed." She was saying that was what everyone wanted. My mom and dad took Fitz and I to Mysterium. I actually liked Sophie as a friend these last two months. Passing my Midterms was the hardest thing. My brother patted my shoulder when he saw me wring my hands. "Try to stop being mean to Sophie. We're here to shop for your friends, not buy things to be mean." It took many stores for us to give out suitable gifts. We went to shop for some clothing until our parents said that we had to go home. My mom swallowed. "Big day tommrow. Better get some sleep." 

"Good night, mom and dad"

She then forgot about her exams which made her dream of alicorns, she fell asleep imagining being friends with Sophie and Dex. 

Everything KOTLC 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें