Chapter 5: Crisis in Fhirdiad

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One Day Later:

Garreg Mach Entrance Hall:

Y/N's POV:

I'm in the Entrance Hall of Garreg Mach. It's the day after Tomas, or someone going by that name, warped away from us.

Y/N's Mind: Nobody knows where people like Tomas or Kronya is from. And they don't know where I'm from either. People might start suspecting me, and they might accuse me of being with them... But if that's the case, at least they're keeping it to themselves. (sighs) Explaining the fact that I'm not with them is gonna be a pain in the ass...

I hear footsteps heading my way. I look to see Dimitri approaching me.

Dimitri: Ah. There you are.

Y/N: What's up, Dimitri?

Dimitri: (concerned) I just... simply wanted to check in after the unsettling events of the other day.

Y/N: (concerned) I'm trying not to dwell stuff like this. But to be honest, I'm having trouble shrugging this off. After our mission yesterday, that "Kronya" girl seems to know what my weapons are. And as far as I know, mine are the only ones in Fodlan.

I take out my blasters and hold them up.

Y/N: (concerned) These things are going to make our lives a lot harder if they end up being evil.

Y/N's Mind: Who am I kidding? I got these guns from YONDU, and I was a pirate!

Dimitri: (concerned) Perhaps. And yet... Hmm, how do I put this?

He thinks for a moment and then looks at me.

Dimitri: Power is neutral. The good or evil of it comes from the one who wields it. For example, I possess extreme strength and have always believed this gift was bestowed upon me so that I might protect others. (smiles) And you... You used those weapons of yours to save us, which means they cannot possibly by evil.

Y/N: (smiles) Heh. Wasn't trying to fish for sympathy there. But... thanks.

Dimitri: My apologies if I overstepped.

We hear footsteps. We look over to see one of the monastery's monks. She turns to Dimitri.

Monk: I've been looking all over for you, Prince Dimitri. Her Grace the archbishop is asking for you. She requests that you come to the audience chamber immediately. Duke Fraldarius has arrived for a visit.

His eyes widen upon hearing this.

Dimitri: Rodrigue is here? I'm on my way.

He turns to me.

Dimitri: Y/N. Let us continue this discussion later.

Y/N: (nods) Okay.

He leaves.


Blue Lion Classroom:

Y/N's POV:

I'm in the Blue Lion Classroom with my classmates. Felix turns to Dimitri.

Felix: (upset) Hold on. What did you say?

Dimitri: I've only just heard the news, so I'm a bit hazy on the finer points... But it seems my uncle has seized control of the capital and declared war on House Fraldarius. All signs point to him wanting to stamp the line out entirely.

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