Willow Asher 19-02-2666

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I hate school. Even though I only just finished my first day at this whole new school in a new country, I hate it already I miss my old school and old friends.

But I'll never see them again because they're all gone now.

I've spent half the time at school crying in the bathrooms. Also that one black-haired girl named Alanza, didn't make my first day any better either.

As I walked through my room I grabbed Clover and my headphones.

I don't know why I keep telling everyone I'm okay. They clearly seem to notice something is off.

All of a sudden I couldn't breathe anymore it felt like I was going to suffocate so I went downstairs and outside as fast as I could.

When I stood outside the door I questioned how I should go.

At first, I thought I should go left but I've never been that way before and then I would probably get lost, so I went the other way.

Just a few days ago, I was so excited about moving here And getting a better life, but now everything has taken an unexpected turn. I want to leave this shithole and go back home so I can be with my family and friends again.

I felt my hunger was getting up to me so I walked towards the supermarket to buy some food.

I walked into the supermarket and wandered through the aisles so I could find some snacks to eat. I don't know why but I always love visiting stores in different countries because they are so different. when I found the snack aisle I grabbed a little bag of oven-baked chips, a Sprite, and some gummy worms.

When I was little my mom used to buy gummy worms for me, so I really like them. Then I went to the checkout so I could pay for my stuff.

I froze immediately when I saw Alanza standing in line for checkout.

"Fuck fuck fuck, oh no no no, what do I do Clover. what do I do please help me, buddy."

"OK, I have to check come on. She won't kill me, right? Oh god, I hope so."

I walked towards the cashier so I could get in line and pay for my stuff.

"Well hello darling, what brings you here?" Alanza immediately said to me.

"What do you think dumbass," I said annoyed while I rolled my eyes.

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