Chester Evergreen, 17-02-2666

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I was sitting on my bed while petting my calico cat named Lavender, waiting for Ace to arrive at my house. We are going on a date today and i'm really excited!

The doorbell rang. "Lavender, come he's here!" I shouted excitedly. After I put on Lavender's service harness, I ran downstairs immediately, swung the door open and jumped into Ace's arms. "Bonjour mon amour." Ace said. My face turned red like a tomato so I buried it in his chest. "Hey Ches, you don't have to hide your tomato face from me. I like making you blush" he said while giggling. "Yes I know but it's embarrassing." I said shyly.

"Why is it embarrassing we've been dating for over four years now." he answers.

"Alright let's go honey. Come on Lavender you come too."I grabbed his hand and we started walking towards the cute little cafe in town, we're we had our first kiss and date 4 years and 1 month ago. So it's a really special place to us.

When we arrived at the cafe we chose a table to sit at and sat down. "How have you been doing lately dear?" Ace asked me worried. I started nervously petting Lavender that was sitting on my lap, I have to open up to him someday. I really want to but it's hard with all the stuff that has been happening lately. "Ah, thank you for asking, I've been doing alright. How are you doing?" "I'm doing good, Thank you for asking, chéri" he said. I smiled at him and he smiled back. We locked our feet under the table.

"Hello, what would you guys like to drink and eat?" the waitress asked.

"I would like a hot cocoa and some velvet cake." Ace said. Red velvet cake is his favorite cake, so I already knew he would get this. "Can I have a sandwich with an ice tea?" I asked.

"Of course! What kind of sandwich would you like?" she asked me.

"The grilled chicken sandwich please." I said. The grilled chicken sandwich is definitely my comfort food and this place makes them so well.

"Will that be everything?"

"Yes please, thank you for your service." Ace said to the waitress.

The waitress nodded friendly and walked to the counter so she could start preparing our food.

After we finished eating we decided to finish our date with a walk through the park. "Come mon amour, here is a bench to sit on," Ace said.

You can see the forest from the bench. I would love to go in there some day and have a walk through the forest or explore it, but sadly no one is allowed in the forest because they say it's too dangerous. "Hey Ches, I know something is off, I know you don't like talking about your feelings but I can help you. I love you so much and I want you to have the best life possible." Ace said while sounding worried.

I rested my head on his shoulder and started talking.

"Well it's been hard again lately..." Then I lost my focus because all of the Sudden I saw someone running towards us out of the forest. I tilted my head up to take a better look at the person. It was a girl with a white rat with gray spots on her shoulder. Ace is noticing it now too and said "what, Who's that?"

 We were both very confused as we watched the girl get closer to us. Then something horrible happened.

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