Year 1 - Chapter 7

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"Yes, of course he could spend a couple of days with us." My mother told us with a smile.

"You all can go get him now if you'd like." My father added.

My brothers and I had just rushed through our dinner and had just asked for permission to bring Adrian. We had already known they would say yes, so we weren't worried on that aspect. All we wanted was Adrian to be with us as soon as possible.

The three of us got up from our seats, making our way to the door.

"Wait!" My mother called out.

Frozen in our spots, we turned our heads to look back at her.

She took out her wand and cast a spell, in an instant three jackets appeared in the arch way. "You three thought you could go into the snow without jackets?"

Quickly, we put them on, thanking her for reminding us. With that we opened the door, making our way into the cold air. The snow had completely covered the ground, the pathway from the gate to the front door completely hidden. We followed the route we knew by heart for a couple of minutes before reaching the Pucey Manor. Pushing the giant gates open, we walked towards their front doors.

"Okay..." Blake started, "Who's knocking on the door?"

"Not me." I replied immediately.

Joshua let out a sigh before muttering "I'll do it." He raised his hand and knocked three times.

Taking a step back, we waited for an answer. Thirty seconds later the door opened, on the other side was August Pucey.

"Huh, that was sooner than I thought. I'm assuming you all wanted to see Adrian?" He asked, smiling a little at himself.

"Actually Mr Pucey, we were wondering..." I began.

"...if Adrian would be able to spend a few days with us?" Blake finished the sentence.

He looked at us in thought for a minute before letting us inside. He called out to Adrian who poked his head out of a hallway not long after. As soon as Adrian saw us, he quickly made his way over to us.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked.

August answered before any of us could, "They were wondering if you'd want to spend a few days with them."

Adrian quickly nodded, "Yeah sure, I'll go pack a bag." And with that he dashed to his room.


Many hours had passed since my brothers and I had gone to pick up Adrian. Now, the only source of light filtering into the room was of the moonlight peeking through the three giant windows around my room. My sheer green curtains only draped across half, allowing for a portion of the window to be exposed. Outside, snow gently fell onto the ground, adding on more to the thick blanket it had made earlier.

The boys had all decided to sleep over in my room, they were now all asleep on my bed. I laid between Adrian and Blake, Joshua next to him. All three of them had fallen asleep a while ago, while I seemed struggle to fall asleep. No matter how many times I turned around to get comfortable, I couldn't seem to be able to.

At one point I had managed to wake up Adrian as I felt him begin to wake up. "Dove...what are you doing still up?" He mumbled sleepily.

I turned towards him, where I saw him already looking at me. "I don't know, I just can't seem to fall asleep." I whispered.

"What on your mind?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows slightly.

"Honestly..." I started, taking a breath in, "I'm worried about you and Caroline."

Her Keeper ; His Chaser - Oliver wood x readerWhere stories live. Discover now