Year 1 - Chapter 4

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The first day of classes had flown by for me. In Charms we had learned Wingardium Leviosa, we were introduced to Potions & Transfiguration. In Herbology we had seen and heard a mandrake, during History of Magic & D.A.D.A. I paid little attention to the class. I wasn't exactly intrigued at learning the History of Magic on the first day of school. However, I was interested in D.A.D.A. but, I had heard many other students say not to remember the teacher's name, due to the fact they only ever lasted a year. Some sort of "curse" on the position.

Now the only classes left were Flying & Astronomy. This is the class I had with all the boys. Madame Hooch was trying to teach everyone how to pick up their broom. Adrian, Blake, Josh and I had gotten ours up on the first try. Other people in the class seemed to be struggling with it.

After a few minutes of waiting for all brooms to be up, we were instructed to get on them and hover. We all did as we were instructed to and stayed like that for a minute until coming down. Madame Hooch continued to explain other things such as flight safety and even went into the topic of quidditch. Finally the lesson was over, now we had to wait till later to go to Astronomy. With that we all headed to the Slytherin common room.


In the common room already we're Brooke, Astrid, Caroline and Letty. They were sitting on some of the couches talking. Me and the boys decided to join them so I sat next to Caroline. The boys however chose to sit on the floor.

"How was everyone's first day of school?" Asked Astrid.

"It was surprising good. I'm happy they didn't give us homework yet." Replied Adrian.

We all went around talking about our day and what we look forward to learning. I had learned Letty was looking forward for potions meanwhile Caroline was not exactly the happiest to have to have the class. Even Brooke was talking, saying she was excited for Herbology. Astrid was excited for Astronomy, which made total sense. The boys had finally decided which classes they liked. Joshua shared that he liked Potions except for the fact Snape was the teacher for it. Then both Adrian and Blake said they already didn't like History of Magic. Personally I didn't either, I think I would like Herbology and D.A.D.A, with Charms being my favorite.

After talking about school related stuff for around 20 minutes we moved off the topic. Now we were talking more about our home life. The boys and I had shared how we were when we were at home. Things like our favorite activities and different things we would do at home.

I learned all the girls were apparently from pure-blooded families, except for Brooke. She shyly shared that she was a half-blood with a witch mother and muggle-born father. I think her sharing that made her slightly self conscious as she started hiding her hands in her sleeve and looking down. To be honest I didn't really find it a bad thing, and I could tell the others didn't care much either.

While we were all in a group we all did end up having one on one conversations. Right now I was talking to Caroline. She talked to me about her younger sister, Daphne, who was the same age as Draco. Apparently Daphne was the complete opposite of her. According to Caroline she was a lot sweeter and quieter than her and liked reading books whenever she could. She said that she felt a little tinge of guilt that her sister was alone with their father. In her words she said "He always forgets she's there. It's like she's there for decoration or some greater scheme." We stayed talking about her sister for a bit until the conversation shifted when we all heard the common room door open.

Everyone abruptly stopped talking and turned their heads to the door. Then we saw two figures walk into the room. It was Oliver and Cedric. They quickly spotted us and made their way to us.

"How did you guys manage to get in here??" Blake asked a little too loudly.

"Hey, hey, hey, keep it down mate." Responded Cedric, lowering himself into a spot on the floor next to Joshua.

Oliver also took a seat on the floor next to Adrian. After he sat down he said, "The Weasley twins, Fred and George, told us the password."

All of us Slytherins looked around at each other confused. How did someone that wasn't a Slytherin get the password? Also, the last name sounded quite familiar. Then it clicked, they were part of the pure-blood family, the Weasley's. I had heard my parents talk about the family before, apparently they were "blood-traitors" according to them.

To be honest I didn't know what that word meant but it probably didn't have a good meaning behind it. If my parents wanted to call that family that then that's their opinion but I won't let mine be swayed by them.

The two boys saw us all confused at their answer and quickly Oliver spoke again, "I honestly have no idea how they found it out. My best guess is that they just came up with a random one and it somehow worked." Personally I wasn't surprised. The password at the moment was pureblood which didn't make much sense. Not all Slytherins were pureblood, in fact I think a majority are probably half-bloods. Sadly none of us could do anything to change it.


It felt like hours had passed by since the group started talking. However, it had only been around an hour. We continued learning about each other, already bonding. I could already tell this group was going to last. It felt like there was no awkwardness within us. Everything felt natural. The feeling was like we were already friends for years.

We had learned quite a bit from each other in this short amount of time. Besides learning basic things like blood status, quidditch positions everyone wanted and family life, we had also learned random things. The group learned that me and my brothers all knew different instruments. Blake plays guitar, Joshua knows how to play the piano and I play the violin. Everyone was fascinated at us, even asking us to play for them at some point. Adrian just sat there shaking his head and smiling. He had heard all three of us playing our instruments, he had even tried playing them. The only one he had sort of gotten the hang of was the guitar. In my opinion it's the easiest one to learn but I would never tell Blake that.

Regarding family life, everyone was an only child except for a few of us. Obviously me and Blake were twins and basically are siblings with Joshua. Astrid told us she had an older sister named Akira, a year older than us, that was in Ravenclaw. Unlike Astrid, Akira was into quidditch and was going to try out for Keeper this year. Caroline mentioned Daphne and how hopefully she'd be in Hogwarts in two years.

After we talked for a while, we all decided to head down to the courtyard to get some fresh air. We all made sure to somewhat hide Oliver and Cedric from being seen, as they weren't meant to be in our common room. Once we were outside, we found a spot to sit at and continued talking for hours.

-A/N finally finished this chapter after so long. Thank you guys for sticking around for this book! Please check out my other writings, it would mean the world to me!-

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