Year 1 - Chapter 3

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We had stepped off the boats and stared in awe at the castle. You knew Hogwarts was grand and beautiful, but it was much different seeing it in person. Back at the Evergreen manor years ago, your parents had shown you pictures they had taken during their time at school. After coming out of your daze you realized other first years were making their way up the stairs. You grabbed a hold of Adrian and dragged him up the stairs as he was still admiring Hogwarts.

Waiting for us at the doors was Professor Mcgonagall. Our parents had told us of their teachers they had while they were here, telling us Professor Mcgonagall was the transfiguration professor. She told us to wait there until all the other students have been seated. Finally it was our turn to walk in.

All first years walked down the aisle to the front where a stool and old looking hat sat. One by one Mcgonagall called out first years to get sorted.

"Cho Chang!" "Ravenclaw!"

"Cedric Diggory!" "Better be Hufflepuff!"

"Blake Evergreen!" The professor called my brother up. He looked back at me to which I nodded to him telling him it would be ok silently. Sitting there anxiously Blake waited to be sorted. "Ahh you are different from the others I see. Still ambitious though.... Better be Slytherin!" It was visible Blake let out a breath of relief. I cheered him on as I knew he was hoping to go into Slytherin, mostly to please our parents.

After the cheers had stopped my name was called, "Y/n Evergreen!" I walked up the steps to the stool and took a seat. The hat was placed on my head shortly after. "Same as your brother. There's something different about you I see... It shall be... Slytherin!" As my brother had done I let out a breathe of relief and bounced over to where we was seated.

As the ceremony continued we heard other people be sorted. Oliver had gotten Gryffindor, Adrian had joined us in Slytherin. Now the only one left was Joshua

When it was his turn only his first name was called. I guess it had to do with who he really was.

As expected he was sorted into Slytherin with the rest of us. He took a seat next to Blake and shuffled around like he was slightly uncomfortable. I gave him a small smile that he sent back to me. Dumbledore proceeded to give his welcome back speech that I didn't pay much attention to. The dinner started and everyone started digging in till their stomachs were content. Now we were all being led to the Slytherin common rooms
The common rooms were just like I had imagined them, a dark gloomy feel with green and silver decorations. The couches were a green velvet and the tables were of some dark wood. It reminded me a lot of the Evergreen manor. We were instructed to go to our dorms so I said goodbye to the boys and headed to my room.

Once inside I looked around and saw five separate beds all arranged the same. As soon as I started wondering who my roommates would be two girls walked in. Both with brown hair and brown eyes. One with a much more innocent look than the other who had a much darker aura.

"Oh hey you must be one of our roommates! I'm Astrid. Astrid Willows." said the innocent looking one all bubbly. "And I'm Caroline Winchester." the other girl continued. I had heard both their names but I couldn't remember from where. They weren't in my family's circle of friends is all I knew. "Nice to meet you guys I'm Y/n Evergreen." Finally introducing myself.

They walked further into the room and we started getting to know each other while we unpacked. Shortly after we started to hear giggles coming to the door. In less than a minute two other girls came into the room. They introduced themselves to us and vice versa. I learned their names were Brooke Breeze and Letty Bay.

We all sat around the room getting to know each other, laughing and making jokes. To be honest I was quite surprised we were getting along so quickly. The boys completely left my mind the whole night until I started to get ready for bed. Deciding Id see them in the morning, knowing they'd be fine on their own.
The morning we got up early to get ready for our first day of classes. We all got in our robes and headed down to the common room together. Making it down the stairs, I saw my brothers and Adrian just getting ready to leave. I walked away from my group and gave the boys their good morning hug. "Hey y/n/n. How was your first night?" Blake asked. I told him it was good and started to go back to my new roommates. The boys trailed behind us as we went down to the Great Hall.
Once there we sat down at the Slytherin table and started enjoying our breakfast. Professor Snape passed out our schedules, I saw my first class was charms so I knew where to head to first. My friends compared their schedules to ours to see if we would have any classes together. We only had one class where it was the five of us, which was charms, for the others it was two or three of us together. Turning back I started to look through the boy's schedules and saw they had charms with me and the girls. After looking at all the boy's schedules I looked back at my new friends, seeing they all were looking at me sorta confused.

"Soooo you gonna tell us who your friends are.?"  asked Letty. The others nodding in agreement to the question.

"Oh right. Well these two..." Pointing to Ake and Josh "are my brothers Blake and Joshua." They both waved their hands awkwardly in acknowledgment. "And this is my friend Adrian." He gave them a smile before turning back to the boys. The girls introduced themselves to them then the boys turned back to their own conversation.

"Wow I'm so surprised you guys are triplets." remarked Astrid.

"We aren't. Only me and Blake are twins. Joshua is adopted." I corrected.

That seemed to surprise them more, but eventually they left the topic. We continued eating and talking for the rest of the time until it was time to go to class. Together we walked to charms hoping to have a good first day.

— a/n : I know there isn't a lot of reader on here yet but I finally decided to start writing again! I hope you guys like the story so far and I hope you guys like what I have in store next. —

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